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Proudest moments in gaming

Generic as this blog may be – I wanted to start off with something simple and very near and dear to me.

We’ve all had those moments when you’re gaming when you  just felt a glowing feeling, when you wanted to tell all your friends about your achievement, a moment of monumental ecstasy that left you smiling for a time unknown ;P

Whether it was beating a difficult boss, or finding princess peach after that bastard toad told you she’s in another castle, or simply pwning your worst online enemy...

These are my proudest moments of my gaming life, most of them being bosses:

#6 – Beating the giant metal head, the final boss of Jak3 (ps2)

This really wasn’t really that big of a deal, since the guy probably wasn’t that difficult for most of you , but it was the second time I had put my important lesson of not giving up into action – it took me about 4 hours spent over 2 days to beat this beast, and I felt pretty grown up at the time since I beat him all by myself without help from my brother.

#5 – My high scores on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 and Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 (ps2):

As a huge fan of Tony Hawk as a pro skater and a gaming franchise I felt as though it was my duty to have this up on my blog.

I know my scores suck compared to yours, but whatever… this isn’t me trying to show off…

On THPS 4 I got a 440,000 with Bucky Lasek on his final challenge

On THU2 I got a 2,090,491 on the stage with my custom character

#4 – Beating the 2 Boss : Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster (ps1)

I’m not entirely sure if he was the 2 boss of the game, but whatever – he was the really tall blonde biker guy who swung a giant iron beam around

This was one annoying motherf***er, his swings were impulsive and always quicker than I expected them to be, and he could take a beatin’ and still keep tickin’…

Eventually, after several tries ending in my face glowing bright red and more often than not me ending up tossing the controller to the floor, I beat him by some form of miracle, attacking him from the side and narrowly avoiding his giant iron mars bar. -_-

Damn fatso.

After that I took the game back, and never saw it ever again, I still wonder if I could beat him today…

#3 – Killing the flying crab with a machine gun penis on normal – Commando 2 (miniclip online flash game)

People may debate that this isn’t a mainstream game, so it shouldn’t be counted, but it’s a game and it made me proud of beating that boss, so it’s going to be on this list!


This cheap bastard was hard.

Very hard.

Extremely Hard.

So hard in fact that it took 2 people a whole week of playing this darn game until we could beat him.

My brother and I spent ages on this, and what made him difficult was how incredibly cheap this thing was, he would be waving his machine gun penis around covering the screen with bullets, and the whole time he’s attempting (and succeeding) to punch you with a punch that takes half your health bar away, I found that very tricky to dodge. As you draw his health bar closer to it’s end, it suddenly decides to shower you with cannonballs while still proudly waving his mechanical penis all over the place.

And if all of this isn’t bad enough, he comes right after another boss and an assault of homing-missile-toting soldiers.

When my brother and I finally managed to kill the damn thing we yelped like OTT Japanese schoolgirls and danced around like a bunch of pansies – only to remember we had one more level to finish that we still haven’t managed to beat…

#2 – Beating the rollercoaster game: 101 Dalmatians (ps1)

Ah, the infamous “tap button repeatedly” mini game…

Basically all you had to do was tap square really fast to accelerate your rollercoaster cart in order to catch floating doughnuts, and woe betide you if you didn’t keep the bar maxed out…

This may be pretty easy for me today, but my god… at the time (I was about 8 , I think) it was near impossible…

I had tried it 3 or 4 times before I ditched it and left it to rot, being the spoilt child that I was. A week later my brother (thankfully) forced me to play it over and over and over and over until I finally learnt that I could do it.

My first lesson, and I haven’t forgotten it until now, taught by none other than my frankly AWESOME brother…

Was never to give up.

#1 – Beating Parappa The Rappa’s first level on Cool (ps1)

Kick, Punch, It’s all in the mind!

If you wanna test me I’m sure you’ll find

The things I teach ya are sure to beat ya

Or something like that…

What made this my favorite and proudest gaming moment in my entire life is how much attention I got for it. I was treated by the gamers in the family like a child prodigy and we recorded the footage on the ps1 ^_^

I was very young at the time, I cant quite remember (I think I was 7) when I beat the level with a “cool” status, all I really did was make parappa say “kick punch kick punch kick punch” and eventually “punch punch punch” for the grande finale.

Honest to god that worked, it probably a massive fluke glitch win.

So there are my proudest moments in gaming.

Feel free to comment and tell us about your proudest moment. (please do)

Constructive criticism is always welcome, since I’m kind of a noob at this, but w/e, I’ll get better(hopefully).



Right, Hello... friends (the few that i have)
This is just going to be a Try-out to see what it's like to have my own blog, I'm going to cover anything and everything, i might get carried away but what the heck, i don't really care. I started my own profile because i saw the stuff my friend (Kilzombie - ladies and gentlemen) had posted and i thought to my self that it might be cool to do something along those lines with an attempt of adding a healthy dose of humour.
I'll also do my own things such as The PhysXnerd's dictionary where I post unusual words from multiple languages.