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Average score of 2 user reviews

The little game that tried too hard 0

Salt and Sanctuary is a 2D Dark Souls clone by Ska Studios. Rarely has a studio worn its inspiration so clearly on its sleeve. If you've played Dark Souls, this is a very pretty looking but comparatively poorly executed 2D version of that. If you haven't played Dark Souls, let me explain how it works. It's brutally punishing in difficulty, but (almost) always fair in the way it implements that difficulty. You are rewarded for being patient, observing enemies patterns and behaviors. The more care...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Painting by numbers 0

Disclaimer: This review focuses entirely on the PvE aspect of the game.By this point you'd expect From Software to have nailed down the formula for a successful Souls game. In some sense they have, with Dark Souls 3 combining the good parts of the previous games to a more complete experience, but it sadly plays it a little too safe for my taste. Most areas you visit are very similar to the earlier games, as if the developer had a checklist of "castle, catacomb, swamp etc.". If this is your firs...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.