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#1  Edited By Plus69Ultra

I learned about the SCP foundation and the Holders series on the same night. It was new years during my freshman year of college. I checked one of the SCP articles out on my phone, and was INSTANTLY hooked. (It was the combat boots. 809.) After getting spooked on a few good ones, like the stair way or even the IKEA one, I figured i'd cut it with some Holders posts. Now, I won't say that I've enjoyed the Holders series as much as i did the SCP, but those first few were really scary to 19 year old me. So now its 4 am, and i'm the only one awake. I realize that my phone is dying, and all the chargers at the party were taken. Well luckily, mine was in my car. Down the block. You can imagine the spinal crawl i felt all the way there and back. I wasn't horrified per say, more i was...tense? It was the most uncomfortable i'd felt in a long, long time.

Well ever since then I've tried to recreate it. Sometimes i succeeded! Watching certain movies (eg: A Field in England, Hereditary, The VVitch), Books (House of Leaves, Some classic lovecrafts), and now i can say GAMES! There were some moments where I genuinely was uncomfortable and it filled me with DREAD. (checking out that mirror and finally understanding what that scrambled guy was saying, or Fridge Duty, or like HALF of my trips into that DELICIOUS little motel) it was a treasure trove of happiness for me.

Have video games every AWOKEN anything like that in you? Changed your perspective on your taste in entertainment?

cheers B^U