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games of 2012

everyone else was doing it and i just wanted to be cool :-(

ok no order to this what so ever just the 10 games i enjoyed the most in 2012, no no i can't be arsed formatting with links and what no.

  • Hotline Miami - i could sit on the start menu and still put this game in my top 10 for the year. amazing sound track, fun gameplay and just a plain old school fun game.
  • walking dead - this should be the bench mark of all character development and narrative in all games. theres been tough choices in games before but never have i sat there for 5+ minutes debating internally what to do and feeling bad about a choice after doing it.
  • hitman: absolution - now not as good as the older games but still a damn good game and crazy replay value thanks to contracts mode and all the ways of killing people, going for that silent assassin rating is a god damn obsession.
  • assassins creed 3 - a late (as in completed yesterday) entry but wow what a game. now i've played assassins creed games in the past but always get bored of them about half way through and never go back, but this one just drew me in and motivated me to finish it for the sole reason of killing charles lee. man i wanted to kill that guy so much and it was so satisfying when i finally did.
  • dishonored - wow what a game. had some flaws but man they were easy to look over. amazing steampunk world, brilliant stealth mechanics mixing traditional thief like stealth elements with the supernatural. and a great variety of ways to eliminate people. great start to what is hopefully going to be a great franchise.
  • black mesa - now technically a mod of a 10 year old game.... but released stand alone this year so that counts right? remake of a classic game with all the quirks of modern day graphics and physics and amazingly released for free and made by the community really puts some of the "hd remakes" to shame **looks at you konami and silent hill HD**
  • halo 4 - now i didn't care about this game what so ever, thought halo 3 was meh, didn't bother with ODST or reach, but wow what a game. 343 really delivered a great FPS here not a lot else needs saying.
  • dear esther - now not really a game more an interactive story that lasts about an hour. but wow, just wow is it good.
  • journey - something special when a game with no voice or text chat can bring people together with just simple gestures fairly amazing going through the landscape running into someone helping each other out then both going your separate ways.
  • trine 2 - great side scrolling adventure, great puzzles great characters and its pretty wow is it damn pretty.

and now a few honorable mentions

  • diablo 3 - now don't get me wrong i did get kind of bored of the game really quickly (hence not on the top 10) but boy that first week released some epic whoring was done, 16 hour days of just none stop diablo 3 was so much fun.
  • forza horizon - a damn good game one of the best racers i've played in years only reason its not on the list is i've only played a few hours of it.
  • kingdoms of amalur - great game, however for some reason just one of those i put 8-10 hours into turned it off then never loaded it up again.... which reminds me i should play more kingdoms of amalur.

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