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The new Xbox Expereince

So first off i'm going to talk about Avatars i am not to thrilled about their design but i really think we should see how they pan out we are really going all Too Human on Avatars.I'm also becoming annoyed by ''Oh they're copying the Wii '' that's how things are this is a good thing it's one of the benifits of having three consoles. One company makes an innovation and others expand on it such as Microsoft created Achievements so Sony is following with trophies,Rock Band went full band so now Guitar Hero is expanding with the song creator and more,and finally Nintendo creates Mii's so Microsoft creates Avatars.I am really looking forward to how MS implements Avatars into the 360 with things like 1 vs 100 and just the whole LIVE commnity,so the future of Avatars to me seems unclear.
