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Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
117924 New Game Game This game has a Steam page, it's gonna be released early next year and it's quite funny 06/09/20 03:28AM 10 approved
117923 New Game Game This game has its own Steam page, and it's gonna be released this autumn. Also there's gonna be a demo available since June 16 06/09/20 03:16AM 10 approved
117917 New Game Game This game has its own Steam page and will be released early next year. 06/09/20 03:07AM 10 approved
117915 New Game Game There was a demo available, and the game seems to be nice. It has a Steam page, and it's gonna be released in the beginning of the next year, which is rather soon. 06/09/20 02:58AM 10 approved
117801 New Game Game This game is gonna be released really soon, and there are not so many sci-fi painting sims out there. 06/08/20 09:49AM 10 approved
117797 New Game Game The game has its own Steam page, and lots of details about it have been disclosed, so it's definitely not a scam. Also the concept of a survival game where you build your own train is pretty unique, and I think this game deserves to be shown to Giant Bomb users. 06/08/20 09:32AM 10 approved