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Trying to decide what to do with my life!

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Maybe Not for Gaming??

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Over the last week I have been spending time trying to get into the world of Death Stranding. I have had multiple friends tell me that is was a great game and the game play loop would be something that might actually hook me. I have played my fair share of odd games that I cant stop playing even when they seem boring. For example, I am currently obsessed with Farming Simulator 19 on the PS4.

I finally caved in and bought Death Stranding to see if my friends were right and at the same time to see if my own theories were right or wrong. I settled in one night with a drink and began my journey into the mind of Hideo Kojima.

Now there are more than enough reviews of this game so I will not waste your time with giving you my thoughts that have been spoken and written by multiple different sources.

To be clear I did not finish this game, I put in about 12 hours but after that mark I finally had to put down the controller and say good bye to Death Stranding.

While I was struggling with whether or not I was to continue playing the game I realized that the feature that was making me not to continue was the game play itself. I was interested in the story as a whole but I hated that I had to play the game to get to those cut scenes. This is when I realized why I really don't like this game, I believe that Hideo Kojima might not be in the correct medium for his ideas.

I want to be very clear on this, I do not believe that Kojima is not a very skilled and talented game designer. I have played many of his games and have found enjoyment in them for many years. But now that he is free to make whatever he wants we are starting to see the full potential of his work.

I believe that his stories would be better told in a different medium like in movies or a series of some kind that would give more people the chance to experience his stories.

I am happy that other people are enjoying Death Stranding but this game just made it more clear for me that his works might be better suited for the theatres than in video games.

Please feel free to comment below on if you are agree or not!

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