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Victory in a video game has rarely tasted as sweet.

I just beat the warp zone in 5-7 in Super Meat Boy, where you play as "the Kid" from the very difficult "I Wanna Be the Guy" platformer gamer.   I'm not even sure it's possible to describe the sheer sense of accomplishment that I felt as I nabbed bandage girl on that last (arguably easiest) stage.
I'm not sure if any level in any video game ever has made me sweat as much as this one did.  The intense frustration of almost finishing a section only to die due to the slightest error is incomparable to any other video game memory I can recall.
What is perhaps even worse is the fact that you have to do all three stages in one sitting, which means if you only have so much time to devote to the game in a day, and you finally beat the first stage, or (hopefully not) the first and second stage but have to stop for any reason, you'd best be leaving your XBOX on until you can come back and finish or else you're back to square one.
For those of you curious as to what these levels look like, here's a sampling of the pain:
Yeah.  Not fun. XD


Plenty to play, but friends to play with? Not so plentiful.

I've picked up quite a number of new games lately, most notably Halo Reach, Super Street Fighter IV, and Dead Rising 2.  I even picked up an inexpensive copy of Scene-It: Box Office Smash for some good casual fun for when company comes over (hey, don't laugh...I dare you to give one of these games a try with a couple of buddies and see if you don't get addicted).
Unfortunately, it seems that the event of me having more games to play with friends just increases the likelihood that our schedules will not overlap well with each other.  If I have time to play, my friends are asleep or busy with something, and vice versa.
This of course leaves me with the choices of playing with random people I know nothing about (some of which are douches, of course), or choosing to go it alone in single player modes, or to dip into my backlog of unfinished single-player only games.  While this does give me time to pick up previously neglected games, it can be quite a pain when I'm just wanting to play my fresh lemony-scented new additions to my library.  With Reach, I've done just about all single-player things I can tackle save for running the solo campaign on Legendary, which can be pretty taxing, and Dead Rising 2, while enjoyable in single player, is really a game that best shines during co-op zaniness.  And SSFIV would offer plenty of solo challenges for me to tackle, but I've taken a break from it after my most recent online ass-beating.
I've taken to trying to get as many achievements as I can in Death-Smiles, and I've tossed around the idea of nabbing all of the Mass Effect 2 DLC I missed out on.
Ah well.  One thing I can at least take solace in is the fact that I'll never have a lack of things to play, regardless of who with.