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Before it's too late

The news of Ryan's devastating passing has hit me like the loss of a very close friend. Despite never meeting him in a person I, like the majority of the people that visit this fantastic website, felt like I knew him. It takes a talented man to make something like the Bombcast, which is recorded for thousands of people, feel personal.

I loved Ryan's contributions to the site, whether him and Jeff were riffing off each other and throwing obscure rap references around which flew straight over my head or if he was watching Vinny "play" Sleeping Dogs or if he was chastising Brad for sucking at whatever game he was playing. The rapport he almost instantly developed with Patrick when he joined is testament to his friendly, likeable and fun nature.

Ryan's death was a tragic reminder that the things that we love can be taken away from us in an instant and it's with that in mind that I want to thank everyone that has made Giant Bomb what it is today.

Jeff - Thanks for being weird and recording videos of yourself drinking from a jar.

Brad- Thanks for being bad at games.

Vinny - Thanks for not taking games too seriously.

Drew - Thanks for the endless hours of video you've edited, you're an inspiration

Matt - Thanks for being a human piece of shit.

Patrick - Thanks for being willing to put yourself out there in terms of the content you make.

Alex - Thanks for the snark.

Alexis - Thanks for just wandering into live streams.

Dave - Thanks for the vest top.

There are plenty of other people who deserve our thanks, whether they be former employees at Giant Bomb or Whiskey Media, industry personalities or just Karen. Each of these people has contributed to Giant Bomb in their own special way.

I also want to thank the community for providing me with as much entertainment as the crew themselves do. Animated Bombcast segments, creepy photoshops and Quick Look Best Ofs are just some of the things I've spent a ridiculous amount of time laughing my arse off at.

Lastly I want to thank Ryan, I'm sorry I never got to say this while you were still with us but you were amazing. It's going to be strange without you but I'm sure we'll all carry on. I hope that's what you'd have wanted.

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