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  • Razgriz_One posted a message on the post 10/18/19.

    You will be able to play LAN 4 VS 4, but not yet I think.It has depth, but the jury is still out if it is better than the arcade game. So far it just seems different. Still fun and I am looking forw...

  • Razgriz_One posted a message on the post Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

    @escapevelocity: Dude. They had to solve one problem to get me on board, they failed, whoops.I love Monster Hunter with a passion I don't feel for most things, but a bad design choice is a bad design ...

  • Razgriz_One posted a message on the post Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

    90% of the wind out of my sails knowing that they did not figure out the how to get all players into a game regardless of if they have seen a cutscene. I get that it is likely a hard fix, but I think...