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Skate Blog

I have just recently started skating again properly. All in all I have skated roughly 3 hours in my entire life,  I'm pretty much beginning.  I have learnt to ollie decently now and currently learning pop-shuvits. I have decided to give progress each week on my skating and post an interesting picture and an interesting question. So here is the first question : "Do you skate and if so how long have you skated for?" and here is the interesting picture. 

My friend and I's boards (Mine to the right) 
My friend and I's boards (Mine to the right) 

Working out and 'dedication'

So I have been working-out for roughly 4 weeks now at the gym and I am actually enjoying it - rather than being a grueling chore. I am a pretty standard build, 14 years old 123 lbs/pounds. I have been following a pretty standard workout, Strong-lift 5x5 which is a workout program that will apparently change your physical shape in 12 weeks. Today as I said was my fourth week doing this and I ended up squatting 50kg (5 sets of 5)  I'm not sure how much of an achievement that is, but I got to this point through hard work and dedication. I wonder how far this is going to take me, if i'm going to be lifting 100kg, 200kg? Most of the things I have done, I've never stayed the whole run of it and thats why I've never experienced my full potential. Have any of you Giant-Bombers ever been dedicated?