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Not a shocker EA milks the crap out of Star Wars Battlefront...

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Star Wars Battlefront: The Milking of EA

I had some hope left for the new Battlefront game thinking just maybe it will still have the same awesomeness from the previous battlefront games. And no, EA decided "Hey, should we put a campaign fans would love?" No doesn't good. "Hey, should we give them all the content in the game and have the future content as a dlc for reasonable price?" No that doesn't sound good either, come up with something or your fired. "I got it! What if we rip out the content, put just the core in the $59.99 and the rest of the content PLUS the future content into a Season Pass with Darth Vader on it for $50!?" THATS BRILLIANT!!! I'm positive this is how it went down.

Then I read this by EA CFO Blake Jorgensen, "Our game teams are all thinking through, 'What's the engagement model to keep the consumer, to really entertain the consumer for a long period of time?'" he said. "When you think about that, it's not really the economics; the economics come afterward. There might be multiple models of ways to engage people." And, "It could a subscription, a subscription that has extra content as part of it, or a sole subscription, or it could be simply an upfront payment to a game that has extra content coming over time," Jorgensen said. "What we want to do is give the consumer a great value for their money and keep them deeply engaged in something they love to do." And also, "I do think there's a bit of consumer fatigue around feeling like they're getting nickle and dimed all the time. And a lot of mobile games don't allow you to have fun unless you've paid for it," he said. "So we're looking at new models of ways to try to alleviate some of that fatigue that's going on. Some of those might come in the form of subscription-style, but some of them might simply come in different ways to play games over time so you don't feel like you're always getting nickel and dimed." Nickel and dimed? More like 50s and 100s.

I'm not buying this damn "Could have been the Star Wars game fans dreamed of dead corpse" game any time soon. Its not worth $64.99 plus the rest for $50. It only has 4 maps to play on, no single player campaign, they could have very easily made a campaign going through each star wars movie and playing through them and remembering what may have been forgotten before the new one is released, but no. Survival mode has very few maps, I'm guessing the mission challenges are "like" the campaign and only certain vehicles you can use to play in game. The only way I'm buying this is if the game is $40 and the season pass is $30, even then I still feel like I'm making a mistake giving them my money.

Here's the link where I found their "reason":

*Venting over*

The gameplay itself is good, its fun and its Star Wars. Its just the wrong company that made it. Barley any content on the actual game itself, recommend just waiting until they bundle the game with the season pass or ask "Santa".

- Have a gaming day!