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Thank you Ryan.

I've been sitting here at the computer for a couple of hours now spellbound at what we've all heard. So many of us didn't know him outside of what we see and hear every week but I know we all kind of feel like we did. That's a testament to a life well lived, I've laughed many times over many years both at and alongside Ryan as he riffed on this passion we all share. My own sadness is overshadowed by the great loss that those close to him must be still going through. Like the feeling we all share but magnified enormously. I don't pretend to have any idea what it must be like for his loved ones but for me, watching and listening to the fun and laughter coming out of Kirby's Epic Yarn; the thoughts and feelings I've been processing this morning have led me to one tiny positive outlook.

Ryan was a funny bastard. not just for those around him, he shared humour with all of us, several times a week for years and years. As though such a boisterous personality couldn't be contained he's recorded hours upon hours of moments, stories, jokes, discussion, wild ramblings, appreciation, warmth and the best kind of assholery that have been recorded for anyone to enjoy.

I couldn't wish for a better legacy; for myself to leave behind or to have left for me by one of my loved ones. So often a life disappears abruptly, only the memories of a select few that can never really be shared to their fullest remain to eulogise a whole person, not Ryan. From his years with Gamespot, through Whiskey Media all the way to the Bombcast back on June 26th. He, together with the rest of the crew have dedicated so much of their time just for us that I can't help but be grateful.

It's no consolation for missing out on what would have been years more of a great personality but to know that an episode of the Bombcast, a Quicklook, or hilarious episode of This Aint No Game is just one click away. . . All I can say is a huge, heartfelt,


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