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There was once a LOTR-style to High Fantasy Era of WoW Lore

In other words... First Impressions so far in Wrath of the Lich King...

Ever since the Burning Crusade released, it was speculated that engineering that the our lovely gnomes and the foolish goblins will created new inventions or added an awesome flying mount that was used since, the second to the current war: Flying Machines. This type of invention was the most prominiet in the survival of the Alliance, especially around that period, when the Undead Scourge or the Corrupted Orcs sought to destroy all of mankind, those inventions created by the intelligent gnomes and also included more creative inventions(which possibly inflict some damage to the WoW lore), like submarines and Siege Tank which were a great asset to the Alliance. Just Flying those Machines are just awesome and stays current in the WoW lore, just like Siege Engines that were implemented in the Wrath of the Lich King.

Metzen totally have a bizarro and awe-inspired detail and analysis about the whole lore regarding World of Warcraft, he empalysis that it's not necessary towards the modern day era but more of an alternative world filled with magic and weaponry. Prior to the Second War, when the Kingdom of Azeroth or Stormwind, was invaded, Lothar and the remaining survivors arrived to Lordaeron to seek assistance to King Terenas. Terenas vowed to form an alliance to stop the mongrols from approaching them homeland. The Alliance consists of the Seven Kingdoms(excluding Alternac), enlisted the aid of the High Elves of Quel'Thalas and the dwarves and the gnomes, whom created designs or beneficted the Alliance with their technological weaponry with deadly proficiency, thus introducing Gnomish Submarines, Flying Machines, Siege Engines to rival the Orcs whom approached their lands. These new inventions and schematics greatly beneficted from the Alliance, doing good to scout areas, provided a good cover, and cause havoc upon the Orcs. To a extent their technology was "being close to the future", making catapults, trebucket and siege weaponry, obslete to other races. To rival the gnomes, the goblins are too technological race, but unlike the gnomes, they tend to blow stuff up alot, making inventions that are even foolish than the gnomes. Thoroughout World of Warcraft, they seemed to have a settle to resolve through racing in the Mirage Highway in Thousand Needles.

WOW getting off topic here...

Around yesterday, I came to this site and saw some WoW news, and I want to see what were their saying. The title, "WoW Panders, Ryan Gets Angry", was quite interesting and so I click it, knowing it was a rant, which I like, especially World of Warcraft. And when I read the entire thing, even went to WoWinsider, I was just infurcioated like Ryan was. Because I think the Internet is Serious Business regarding Warcraft lore and I'm just aggroivated about this.


Like WTF? Why did they incorpated motorbikes, Is this somehow implemented in the lore, did the friggen gnomes, lazy to make the schematics and create this in the third war or just invented it now because it might have been a benefict to the friggen Alliance when the Undead Scourge invaded Lordaeron. Whats next.... FOUR WHEELS OF FURY!...uhmm that might be even BETTER than stupid "Azerothian Chooper".
While your at it, why not FRIGGEN put, the Bard in and the Tinfoil Hat or the Battlecrusiers. Because this "idea", of a mount looks like something out of Starcraft. WAY TO INCOPRATED OTHER BLIZZARD GAMES!

Metzen, I know that one of your hobbies is dirt biking but just why did you incorparate this thing in WoW? Is it some kinda of badass mount, you get in the game or to replace the awesome Amani War Bear from Zul' Aman. Like, the Panderian race was awesome in Warcraft III because at least, they implemented lore into them and Samwise Diddler(art director and lead singer of Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftains) whom was likes Pandas.  And this Motorcycle thing is heresy! Way to Screw up the Lore, Metzen. THANK YOU!

I just got a feeling that someone is going to make a "American Chopper" kinda off like machinima, starring Rexxar or something, and start racing in Mirage Raceway or show their bikes to Blood Elves with their new Haircut. Heck, someone will probably make some kind of clan of junkies doing their friggen sweet moves around Azeroth. Is this some kind of joke? Trying to make it so World of Warcraft is cool like, 70s cool. Or just another excuse for like Hulk Hogan to appear in that game?

Just think, if the third war has these type of vehicles... the invasion of the Scourge will be over was soon as possible...

But anyways.. I would be cool if they did that..... Four Wheels of Fury thing in this latest expansion, but we have to have friggen MOTORCYCLES to accompany us with our hot dates to slay the Lich King!

........ But

After the released of Burning Crusade, and the present day, we were introduced to the expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, which if your a fan or in the video game industry should know and have played the beta or PTR.  At first, I was excited because I get to go to Northernd and get to see the Aspects of the Dragonflight, Dalaran(which is hovering, kinda of trippy) and the Lich King himself, and get more involved with the lore more and this time, I can just jump in to Northrend unlike the previous friggen games where I wasn't that high to jump into Outland or do the Scourge Invasion because, I was too low of a level. Watching spoiler videos, screenshots and news, I was thrilled that they would make a machinima/cinematic cutscene in Angrathar the Wrath Gate, which leads to Icecrown Glacier, after a series of quests.

Just take a look... Oh by the way, to comment on this video, it kinda resembles a scene in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, where they encountered the Mouth of Sauron, and a series of deleted scenes where Aragorn faced Sauron. It just look way.. similar to that, but its awesome! And another thing in this video, Orcs rejoining Humans to defeat the Lich King. An awesome duo!


Similarities and Differences:

Its just awesome to see Highlord Bolvar speaking, aside from the similarity between this and ROTK, to be honest, I think this is more epic and memorable. When Saurfang the Younger arrived to help the Alliance from the Scourge, defeating them. Bolvar speaks of such words that are quite similar to Aragorn, you would think, their lines are different but Bolvar to Aragorn, they are both saying to bring justice or avenge for those whom had fallen. The type of atmosphere, that this new cutscene delivered, is similar, the long awkward wait, and then when the Wrath or Black Gate opens, and you see their leader that look badass to menacing shows up and the soldiers cowering in fear through the look of their eyes. While this was only shown exclusively in the extended version of Return of the King, they only shown the Mouth of Sauron, a emissary of Mordor, telling Aragorn and the Fellowship, that all hope is lost and the Ring is in their grasps. The Deleted Scenes which appeared only non-CG scenes in the Behind the Scenes, shows that Aragorn was actually fighting Sauron(which was replaced by a troll due to error). To a extent, this Lich King cutscene, where Lich King shows himself, in the battefield, tells a quite similar dialogue than the Mouth of Sauron, where he tells the Alliance and Horde, the true meaning of fear and justice. To make this even similar, its just like the first scene in the Fellowship of the Ring, where Sauron reveals himself and the last Alliance between the Men of the West and the Elves of Rivedell and such, cowers before his might. Elendil like Saurfang the Younger, attacked Sauron or Lich King but has proven worthless to his prowess. As we know, the Valiance Expedition under the leadership of Bolvar marched to the Gate as well as Saurfang and the Horde.

As we all know, its not that similar to the scene in ROTK but rather has its similaries and differences. In Return of the King, Aragorn(the renowned king of Gondor, similar to the return of Varian Wrynn to his throne), was accompany by Peregrin Took, Merry, Gandalf the White, Legolas, Gimli, son of Gloin and Eomer to the Black Gate of Mordor, in his lines to taunting Sauron or to have a final battle to settle this once and for all, just like this cutscene but instead of the Fellowship, Bolvar was accompanied by Saurfang the Younger whom charged into battle after the second wave of Scourge. I just want to see if the march towards Angrathar the Wrath Gate is similar to Aragorn leaving Minas Tirith to the Black Gate of Mordor. While I'm making too much similarities to these gates, there are some differences or not, just speculation. The Black Gate of Mordor has Two Towers which I forgotten their names, which "probably" is the same as this. When Saufang the Younger was killed, his soul was sucked in the Frostmourne wielded by the lich King and Elendil was hitted lethally onto some debris and Sauron crushed "Anduin", Flame of the West(which was forged but back then, it was something else), Isildur took "what that has been the remainer of the sword" and cut off Sauron finger which have the One Ring causing Sauron to be destroyed. After Bolvar speech, a unexpected happens. The Forsaken whom have developed a new plague that was speculative in World of Warcraft, launch the plague upon the Scourge, killing them and then they turned to the living, EVEN the Horde, wiping every single life-form to undead to die. The Horde griefing, at the loss of Saurfang and now, the betrayal, felt backstabbed. The Lich King whom was damaged in this fight, retreated to Icecrown Glacier, recovering his health. When Bolvar was dieing, Alexstraza, Krasus and the Red Dragonflight arrived to burn out the plague. When you see Bolvar at his final moments, and at the distance the dragonflight is flying, in a sense, it kinda looks like when Frodo and Sam stuck in Mount Doom and the Eagles arrived to "carry them home". 

Yeah I know its too MUCH similarities between both of these great game and movie(You get to live that experience too in the LOTR MMO) but this was my first impressions of that cutscene. Here is what I'm taking about:


And especially this:


After that cutscene in Wrath of the Lich King, you are send to either kill Putress or Varithmas from either the Horde or the Alliance side in the Battle for the Undercity! Which is epic too, and with a new engine for the Undercity. At first I thought, Sylvanas directly betrayed the Horde and the Thrall was native to accept their alligenace but it was the Nathrezim whom betrayed her. Then again, Sylvanas was foolish enough to have Varithamas as a pet, as you could never trust the Undead or especially the Natrezim.

Mortal lesson to me, don't take lore seriously in Warcraft standards... even though it was confusing at first