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UPDATE... something that I forget!

Persona 3 Portable

My first few fours of playing this game has left me fascinated, playing more of it and venturing up to the 13th floor of Tartarus is somewhat hard to a degree. That I almost died due to not leveling up my personas so they could deal with them, the secondary mini-boss a few floors earlier almost killed me and I had to resort on items from aliments to medicine, There are tons of things that I didn't mention from my previous or recent blog.
The graphics looks quite spectacular for a PSP game, the fidelity in the levels is just impressive and the sharp and nearly perfect textures and artwork for the characters is mind-blowing. One of the surprises me is customization of the equipment, at first I didn't really look at the characters but when I eventually did, when you equip something like armour, you see what they're wearing and not like Persona 4 where the gear is just some sort of buff to your stats. It's cute and appealing. 
The Shuffle mini-game is similar to Persona 3 and 4 to an extent, the only exception is the empty non-blank cards gives you benefits from getting more money, experience, restoring health to getting some items. It's another unique mechanic when as I am playing this game. 
The third is the soundtrack and boy... I totally crave for this soundtrack and it makes the Persona 4 soundtrack bad..  it got the Persona 3 vibe with a black guy (or I presume a black guy) singing and I'm seriously digging the beats and rhythm of it... The town map soundtrack is my favourite so far!