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I'd like to register my vote for resurrecting Tali. Regardless of how she affects the overall story and whatnot, I think it's valid to just want to spend more time with a character you like. It's unlikely you'll find the time to replay the game on your own time, so this seems like it'll be the only shot this series gets to have your attention @alex: why not help it be the best it can be?

Regarding class choice, I personally like going sentinel in ME3. Vanguard seems like tons of fun but with a high skill requirement: you're constantly putting yourself in the middle of enemies, balancing on the edge of disaster. If that doesn't sound like your jam @alex, it's fine to make another choice.

Such as the sentinel, who after one of the major patches to the way powers work, gets to sit behind cover and make enemies explode in literally every different way the game allows. Comboing powers is a huge part of what I think is cool about ME3's gameplay, and the sentinel gets to do it all.

I'd respec away the tech armor as soon as you're able, but that's just me. It becomes a real drag on the power-party in the third game IMO.

Really great series you guys. It made me so nostalgic for Mass Effect, I went and bought Andromeda. I suppose that'll make it clear you maybe shouldn't take my advice though :p

Can't wait for season 3!