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Top 10 Current Gen Action Heroes

These are my Top 10 action heroes (or anti heroes) from current gen games, so 360, ps3 and wii only! Oh, and only 1 character per franchise, so no Altair AND Ezio on the list :P Let's rock and roll...

List items

  • He was cool in Uncharted, he's awesome in Uncharted 2. One of the best written characters in a videogame in years, he's witty, funny, badass, can shoot down helicopters better than 50Cent, fights cursed zombies and rejects from Avatar, and to top it off, the ladies are all over him... Nathan Drake is in my opinion the best action hero of the current generation.The fact that the videogame industry MVP Nolan North does his voice doesn't hurt either :P

  • He may be the stereotypical badass strong guy marine type, but damn if Marcus from Gears Of War isn't cool. Probably the most badass character on this list alongside Kratos, this guy shoots down Locust after Locust with his chainsaw gun, and hey, since its a chainsaw, why not cut them in half too? And besides, being eaten by a giant worm and living to tell the tale? Thats pretty fucking awesome. If only he found some sort of love interest besides Dom...

  • And we have controversy! Sorry Snake fans, but Raiden stole the show in MGS4. From fanboy-hated character in MGS2 to badass cyborg killing machine in MGS4, Raiden had by far the coolest scenes in that game, and he always looked fucking cool doing his thing, from slicing off the legs of those weird mutant mech things, to stopping a giant ship... with his arms! And did I mention he can shoot lightning? And has a katana? Sorry Cole, but shooting lightning isn't enough these days...

  • Altair from Assassin's Creed was without a doubt one of the coolest characters in recent years, but too much of a blank slate for my taste. Ezio on the other hand has the story and motivation for his Assassin hijinks, plus he's cool with the ladies (he has the whole italian playboy thing going). Plus, he uses 2 wrist daggers instead of 1, and a freaking wrist GUN. That's right, he has a gun. Even if he sounded like a bit of a clueless twat at the end of Assassin's Creed 2, he's still a complete badass and number 4 on my list/

  • Part man, part bio engineered virus, all visceral killing machine, Alex Mercer's many uses of bio claws, tentacles, weapons makes Spider Man fan favorite villain Carnage look like a pussy. In fact, if you ever wanted to play a Carnage game, minus the insanity, than Prototype is the game for you. Alex has no problems killing monsters, zombies, the military or even civilians in his search for his lost memories, and he does so in gruesome fashion. Oh and he can fly. And pick up helicopters from the sky and chuck them at tanks. Or at other helicopters. And he can morph into people that he killed too... DAMN he's a badass. Shame the game he was in was good but not excellent...

  • While technically still not available in current gen form, he will be soon enough, and from the God Of War 3 demo it's clear that his love for guts and gore has only increased since the PS2 days. This Spartan turned God turned Spartan again has gone to hell and back, fought all sorts of giant monsters and even Gods, all then while looking awesome doing it with his twin chain blades (or other assortments of weapons he uses). The series might be becoming slightly stale, but Kratos himself certainly isn't.

  • Holy awesome game Batman...about time too. Batman was always one of my favorite heroes, probably ebcause he doesn't actually have any powers, just skills and gadgets (and huge pecs). the way he creeps around in Arkham, hiding in shadows or gargoyle statues, and dropping down on unsuspecting baddies, which actually makes other baddies in the rrom start to get freaked the hell out, eventually becoming terrified makes Sam Fisher or Solid Snake look like amateurs. Welcome back to the badass club Batman, we missed you.

  • After years of teasing us, Capcom finally gave us Ryu and Ken's master, Sh-I mean Gouken, as a playable character in Street Fighter 4, and he is much more of a badass than anyone could ever imagine. I mean, just look at this old dude...he's more buffed than Arnie in his conan days! Using modified versions of the Shoto special moves (technically, his are the originals I guess, maybe Ryu and Ken were just bad students), like a upward fireball, and vertical hurricane kick, and going as far as stealing Ryu's Third Strike Ultra move for even more cool points, Gouken is by far the most badass fighter in Street Fighter 4. Until Super that is, when Adon comes back! Screw you haters!

  • Engineers in space have it tough, not only are you lightyears away from home and working in shit zero-g conditions, Isaac has to deal with a infestation of super mutant alien zombie monsters that just refuse to die until he chops off all their limbs. Luckily Isaacs working tools are double as kickass weapons of evisceration, so at least he's covered in the survivability department. Part of the "silent type" heroes, the only tiem you hear him say something is when he's screaming like a madman when he's stepping on mutant aliens, and those disgusted / panic / anger screams will be forever etched in my brain...that and he's creepy weezing when he's about to die!

  • Battling out with Prototype's Alex Mercer for the title of best open world super hero (or anti hero in both cases) of 2009, Cole comes out a bit short compared to the often demented and bloodthirsty Mercer, but still manages to creep uo as the 10th best actiion character in the current gen. While Mercer prefers to get up close and personal with his claws, Cole prefers to keep the distance and use his electricity powers to fry homeless bums and telekenetic baddies, and if he's feeling evil, suck their life force and use it to replenish himself...thats cool! He can also fly...or hover in the air, and fall from tall buildings without dying...which is weird, because he has no sort of super strength to go along with his electric powers... hmmm...