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Websites you put some faith in...with gaming


There are quite a few websites out there to choose from when trying to find some information out about a game.  There's some of the top sits like Gamespot, Gamespy, G4 - X-Play, and IGN just to name a few, but there's also the smaller sites, just as Worthplaying, Gamedaily, Gamershell, plus many others, but which one do you choose to get your information from?  Which site have you gone back to year after year for your new and entertaining information about the latest games or the games from the days of DOS?

I myself have always been a Gamespot fan.  I don't exacty know how it got started or even when, but I do remember going through some of the major gaming sites and noticing that Gamespot having one of the easiest and explorable user interfaces and offered a lot of options for your own input through Blogs, game lists, forums, etc, and so I had chosen that one and rarely ventured off to the other sites for information, only reading the occasional game review to see how they compared with other sites.  Did I necessaryly trust everything I read off of Gamespot's site or was I particularly happy with everything I read, of course not, but it kept me coming back each day to see what new information was coming back, and the forums were always a decent place to converse with people about all different types of games.

I had gone to other sites at the time, but found them too hectic in the interface department, and pretty much never strayed from Gamespot except to read the occasional review.  It's not that I put the most trust into Gamespot's review over any other site, it's just that it's the site that i used the most.  I could actually care less about their reviews, well, their scores in actuality.  I care more about what people write about in their reviews, than their scores, because to me, the words are what matter.  There are some people out there who take the score and nothing else, who like to look at pictures, and not bother to read anything about the review, and that's their own deal, but I myself rather enjoy seeing how the reviewer took and looked at the game, what they took from it and everything about it.

But lately, in the past few months, I've been slowly going over to Gamespot's site less and less because of the overall content throughout their site.  It's true, they have a nice setup and the changes they make from time to time are fluid and nice overall, but it seems what I enjoy the most, has become somewhat of a let down.  Not only have the forums become a joke, from useless topics either filled with fanboys or complete idiots trying to prove that they're over 12 year olds, to the less than stellar reviews that've been posted recently.  I guess you could say a major reason has to deal with a lot of their staff either getting fired or leaving, and to be honest, they have to admit that the people who left were their better components, but it's been quite a loss to me for the site as well.  Not only are their less and less reviews being posted all the time, but even less video reviews throughout the past few weeks.  Reading reviews is nice and I try to read as many as I can, but the video reviews always give some decent gameplay footage that can't be seen in screenshots.  Even though I enjoy watching the reviews, I still take the time to read the reviews to see what was deemed unnecessary to talk about in the video to once again see how the reviewer truly felt about the game, but even the opinion's of the reviewers have seen to worsen over the past months.

I'm not saying that I never disagree with their opinions and I realize it's only necessary to do so, but I find myself looking at the opinions and valuing them less and less with each time I hear them speak and to be truthful, the incident with the whole Too Human episode was probably my last care for this site.  It's not the only reason that I'm come to dislike the site, but it pretty much sums up my attitude towards their demeanor.  Seeing the backlash across the net for Too Human, Kevin Pereira, a host for Attack of the Show, decides to take a small stand to defend the actual "fun" that can be had from the game overall and calls out the review of the Gamespot which, in my opinion, needed it...