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Cloudy Skies

Yeah I know, cheezy blog title, but there have been cheezier ones so ya know it works.  Anyway down to business.  I'm going to have to take a little brake from gaming to focus on school.  Seems like an appropriate time considering all the games I've gotten have either been dissapointing or just piss me off with their constant crashing (*cough cough* clear sky).  And you know Spore was pretty dissapointing for me.  Not a bad game but just not what I wanted from it.  So to the point, less blog posting for a little bit.

So all I've been doing is attempting to play Clear Sky, and I bought some games from, and I have to say I had a great experiencing purchasing the games I got.  I purchased Freesapce 2 and got a code for a free game which was Fallout 2 for me.  It's cool going back in the past.  Games were a lot different back then, still not super in to them yet but I've enjoyed them so far.  Have done much of Freespace yet though so don't have a whole lot of experience with that.  Also I don't think I've touched my xbox.  My brother has though and he's been playing a lot of Bad Company.  I need to start playing that some.  Also tried out Combat Arms, a free online shooter.  It's ok, nothing special but good ol' shootin fun, very low system requirements so anyone can run it pretty much, so I've been playing with some of my non PC friends.  So yeah that is about it.  Sorry to be so brief.  I would like to put more time into this but at the moment I'm in a rush.  Just wanted you guys to know that when I don't blog for a few weeks that it was planned.  I'm not dead, hopefully not.

I'm up to about 18 hours of time spent in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky lost.  So there is a little warning.  Love the game, but I'm going to have to stop, I'll just wait for some new patches.  I'll tell you when it's fixed.

Current Games I'm pretty hyped about:
Probably Fallout 3 the most.  Looks to be pretty awesome.  Can't wait to try that.   Also I might just have to get back into WoW with the release of the Lich King.

One more thing.  I plan to start up my gamefly subscription so I can try out all those games I've missed and give my impressions (force unleashed, too human, ect.).  So hopefully I'll be able to do that soon.

Well that's all for now.  I will talk with you guys later.


P.S. - I'll still sign in occasionally to check others' blogs and maybe hit the boards a bit.  Haven't been on the forums for about a month, I figure I should be more involved.  Oh and real quick I'm liking the updated Giant Bomb.  Welp, taht's all.