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My Most Anticipated Games From E3

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  • The original Portal was one of the best games ever, so giving me more of that seems absolutely awesome.

  • I'm admittedly a bigger Street Fighter fan, but all of my friends have an abiding love of Mortal Kombat, so the fact that this game looks like something I'd want to try anyway is made all the sweeter by the knowledge of epic throwdowns coming to an apartment near me.

  • Yes, it's going to be easy and forgiving, but I always love me some Kirby, and the art style here has me waiting eagerly for this game.

  • Best. Co-op. Around. 'nuff said.

  • Being a big SNES owner back in the day, I definitely put far too much time into the original DKC games, and the move to full polygonal graphics seems to take some of the weird janky-ness out of Rare's versions altogether, which I appreciate. And hey, Retro studios sure did well with the Metroid franchise, no?

  • Okay, okay, so I was already going to buy this anyway, but I'm still really excited to get my hands on a new edition of possibly the greatest RPG franchise of all time.

  • This is an FPS I can get behind, it seems fast, viceral, and fun in an era of cover-based shooters that take themselves far too seriously (and yes, I know Gears 3 is on this list, but I can't help if those games being great set too many industry trends, can I?).

  • More murdering dudes, please. Also, hey, people are attacking my Villa that I put thousands of fake game dollars into! NOT COOL, Templars. Not cool.

  • In my mind, God of War II was the closest thing to a true console Castlevania game in years, so the similarity between that and Lords of Shadow is a good thing in my mind. Plus, hey, Patrick Stewart, I love that guy!

  • Yeah, it's hardware, not a game, but I can't remember the last time I've been so excited about a piece of hardware. I can't vouch for the 3D (I hear it's impressive, but not without flaws), but that's not what has me excited. The graphical fidelity far outstrips the original DS, and the software line-up is impressive. The sequel to an amazing handheld gaming system.