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The Proverbial Deal

As in, what is it.

So let me think...Feb 3 I flew out to Seattle (not entirely by choice), where I spent the better part of a week with relatives on the Washington coast before getting back and fulfilling one more bucket list item: to watch alongside my father as Denver wins a Super Bowl. As much as I enjoyed the first two wins, it always bugged me that I was still in Casper and he was in Portland. The astounding part was, it was so easy as the trip was scheduled long before Denver had even punched their ticket to Santa Clara.

What you gotta understand was my old man and I spent a LOT of time watching football together over the years, usually on TV but we've managed to see four Broncos games in the last 30 years, including the 1986 season opener against the then-L.A. Raiders. If you've ever seen the highlight of John Elway catching a touchdown pass, it was that game. We've also been to a number of Wyoming games, as well as his one and only time seeing Notre Dame play at Washington back in 2008. So hopefully you can see that football for us is like what Daniel Stern talked about in City Slickers regarding baseball and his own father.

So yeah, then I get back home, at which point I promptly catch some super-bug that was going around. It must have been strong for me to get it. Unfortunately, we roll with a skeleton crew at work, and the other gal who works overnights in my stead was promised that weekend off, so I basically had to show up and zone out for most of the night before sacking up and getting done the bare minimum. That took another two or three weeks and therefore cost me the rest of February.

So where I'm going with this is: Between being out of town and being physically affected, I hardly got any video games played since the last update, choosing instead to zone out to videos from Twitch, YouTube or this fine-ass website. Lately I've been making mad progress with Fallout 4, particularly in response to the big DLC announcement, the morning of which I promptly marched into my friendly neighborhood GameStop (not kidding, they do kinda buck that stereotype) and bought both season passes (one for each console) because I had finally gotten some word from Bethesda as to what they actually planned on releasing. I had had the money for weeks and was just waiting for that. The fact they gave a grace period on the original $30 price point was merely a bonus.

As for progress, I finished the main story with the Institute, and am currently back doing the Molecular Level quest with the Brotherhood to shore up those two trophies, after which repeating the process with the Railroad. After that...who knows. I found a road map by which I can end the game with the Minutemen in a way that doesn't incite the BoS or RR to shoot at anything that moves, but to achieve that I'd have to revert to the hard save I made just before leaving Vault 111 just after the game launched. Much as I would LOVE to go into DLC after doing that ending, I'm not sure I want to put that much work into the set.

At least I have incentive to play this game again. As much as I mark out to these Bethesda games, I must agree with Gerstmann's criticisms of the studio in general and this game in particular. This game doesn't grab me like Fallout 3 did, which is one reason why I feel factioning was a mistake that was better left behind in the bastard step-child Fallout game made by pretenders to the true Todd, i.e. New Vegas. Same with paraphrase Ice-T in that one Body Count song, FUCK. A. CAZADORE.

Anyway, don't get me started about that game and how it's the basic byproduct of the wrath of sour grapes. Hey, if Interplay was so great they would have managed their money better in order not to need to be acquired by Zenimax in the first place, I say.

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