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Best of 2011

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  • I'm over 110 hours in and still discovering new things. The best game of the year and possibly my favorite game of all time. I thought nothing would ever unseat System Shock 2.

  • Before I played Skyrim I thought this would definitely be my game of the year. I love seeing a developer take chances and actually make a game with adult themes.

  • I never thought Deus Ex would get the sequel it deserved, but it certainly has.

  • A spiritual successor to System Shock 2 with some amazing levels and audio design. A step-up from the first game in every way.

  • I've always been a huge fan of Forza and this new iteration is close to perfection. The track count is sorely lacking and I'm hoping the next Forza really brings it on that front.

  • This game is just simple balls-out fun. The story missions are amazingly over the top and memorable. That said, some of the activities are not up to par and I find THQ's DLC strategy troubling.

  • Valve really nailed it with Portal 2. It has a strangely epic feeling I wasn't expecting that defined the experience for me.

  • Fantastic, solid game on all fronts. The campaign was the best of the series and the improvements to the Horde mode really brought the game to the next level.

  • I am a racing game fanatic and I just had to include Shift 2. It has the best track selection of any racing game out there today. I can't wait to see what Slightly Mad Studios can do with Project CARS.

  • I'm not sure how well this game sold, but it deserved a better response than it got. The story wasn't memorable but the vivid colors and majestic vistas are reason enough to play this game.