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First Impressions: Medal of Honor

I was a pretty big fan of the first Medal of Honor game, as someone with a PlayStation (and not an N64) it was the first high quality shooter that could arguably compete with Goldeneye. I eventually moved away from the Medal of Honor series as I really didn't appreciate the all too linear/scripted nature of the campaign. Firefights in games like Halo just seemed to develop more naturally, and had some element of randomness. Either way I decided to pick this up despite a couple mediocre reviews and give it a chance. 

  • I really don't understand any comments about the graphics being bad, I really think they look superb, almost looks as polished as Killzone, but with maybe a little less special effects constantly being rendered.
  • They don't have the "Legacy" control scheme, which is a huge annoyance in FPS's for me, I can manage on the default, but it's still annoying not having the primary scheme you're comfortable/proficient with.
  • Maybe I've been playing too much COD on Veteran, but this is the kind of game that feels like it should be less forgiving when you get shot. It really loses the "sim" or "authentic" feel when i can get shot in the back and am just able to slowly walk behind cover to regain my health. The single player probably could have benefited in my opinion from more of a Ghost Recon pace in the tight spaces. At the very least it would have made this game feel a little LESS like Call of Duty.
  • Audio definitely is impressive and it's easy to see (hear) when you have a surround system what all the compliments are about.
But yeah first impressions at this point, I may indeed grow to love or hate the game, but right now I would just say I'm mildly satisfied with what I've played so far. It's definitely not something you pick up and say "this sucks" it's just not necessarily blowing me away with anything (yet).


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Edited By Shadow71

I was a pretty big fan of the first Medal of Honor game, as someone with a PlayStation (and not an N64) it was the first high quality shooter that could arguably compete with Goldeneye. I eventually moved away from the Medal of Honor series as I really didn't appreciate the all too linear/scripted nature of the campaign. Firefights in games like Halo just seemed to develop more naturally, and had some element of randomness. Either way I decided to pick this up despite a couple mediocre reviews and give it a chance. 

  • I really don't understand any comments about the graphics being bad, I really think they look superb, almost looks as polished as Killzone, but with maybe a little less special effects constantly being rendered.
  • They don't have the "Legacy" control scheme, which is a huge annoyance in FPS's for me, I can manage on the default, but it's still annoying not having the primary scheme you're comfortable/proficient with.
  • Maybe I've been playing too much COD on Veteran, but this is the kind of game that feels like it should be less forgiving when you get shot. It really loses the "sim" or "authentic" feel when i can get shot in the back and am just able to slowly walk behind cover to regain my health. The single player probably could have benefited in my opinion from more of a Ghost Recon pace in the tight spaces. At the very least it would have made this game feel a little LESS like Call of Duty.
  • Audio definitely is impressive and it's easy to see (hear) when you have a surround system what all the compliments are about.
But yeah first impressions at this point, I may indeed grow to love or hate the game, but right now I would just say I'm mildly satisfied with what I've played so far. It's definitely not something you pick up and say "this sucks" it's just not necessarily blowing me away with anything (yet).