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The Hero's Return - A Mass Effect (3) Blog

I'm a Mass Effect superfan. Before I even owned an Xbox 360, I had been following this game. I dreamed of the day my poor college-attending ass would be able to play it. I thought about buying the game to play on my buddy's 360. Yes, I wanted my hands on it this bad. The only other game I thought about doing this for was Metal Gear Solid 3, alas I still have yet to play that one. Mass Effect, on the other hand, was one of the first games I purchased when I came into a large sum of money after finishing college. Putting over 7 playthroughs and 200+ hours into Mass Effect, you could say I was somewhat excited for the sequel. You could also say I was squealing like a schoolgirl weeks before its release in January of 2010. I digress.
A post over on the Giant Bomb Mass Effect 3 forum  gave me the idea for this blog. The premise was which characters I wanted to see return in Mass Effect 3. I gave a response, but I wanted to go a little more in depth with my answers. One, because I love talking Mass Effect with anyone and everyone, and two, I like to ramble on about stuff I love. Drinking makes this evident. If you listen to my Podcast, you will soon find out we drink and ramble about games. Most of the time when we listen back to it, we find ourselves yelling at our iPhones, PCs or iPods to "shut the fuck up, you drunk!". True story. Anywho, as I sip my glass of Canadian Club Reserve, I present to you The Hero's Return - A Mass Effect (3) blog. (Yes, that's a Pink Floyd reference. I like to reference awesome when I blog. :D )
**NOTICE:** The following will contain spoilers for PS3 owners. If you have yet to play it, you might want to steer clear.
With the release of Mass Effect 3 technically under a year away, if you believe that it will make it out by December which I'm pretty confident it won't, we have to imagine what will be the main plot. Ok, maybe we don't have the imagine. The Reapers are coming and Shepard is the only person who can stop them. I saw another post in the forums about what Giant Bomb user DriveupLife had a theory on. His theory is about uniting the factions, which you can find here. I'll be getting into why I like this theory and how I see it going down in a bit.
One thing I want from Mass Effect 3 is the possibility of space combat. A little something more advanced from the Kotor mini game Bioware did. Maybe a little more Halo: Reach-ish. Full control of the Normandy in a combat situation OR taking control of a one-maned fighter from a Capital Ship or from a Space Station or Installation. 
The Normandy is docked at a station on the edge of The Terminus and it comes under Reaper attack, maybe Rogue Geth, maybe pirate attack. Shepard learns of the station's fighter compliment. He orders the Normandy to battlestations and detach from dock. He and his two current companions along with the station's fighter pilots launch their craft to defend the station. To cover if his companions can pilot the fighters or not, let's say they either stay behind to help with the relief effort on board the station or he orders them back to the Normandy before she detaches. Why is there one extra fighter for Shepard? One of the pilots dies in an explosion before they launch for drama or the station has extra fighters in case of technical issues for practicality. Either way, both are probable instances for the story to move from there. Maybe Shepard gets hit near the end of combat and he gets captured before the Normandy can rescue him? Then we get a little action with Shepard on his own, stuck on an unknown ship trying to send an SOS to his companions informing them of his location. 
See, I told you I like to ramble. With that part of a potential Mass Effect fantasy out of the way, I'll move on to the support cast. Who I want to return as Shepard's team. This doesn't include the ship's crew, for example, Kelly Chambers or Joker. Also this is where I'll add my two cents about the factions being united. Keep in mind as I write this, my first Shepard was male soldier who chose Ashley then Miranda as his bed companions. So if I go on about things you didn't experience, note this was my first experience.
Garrus Vakarian aka Archangel

 The Turian. The Legend.
 The Turian. The Legend.
Garrus has become as big a part of Mass Effect as Shepard has. He will be in Mass Effect 3, he has to be. He is my favorite character in the franchise and I've always treated him as my Second-in-Command. Miranda may have the title, but he is the actual. He is my Shepard's tactician and confident. He is my Turian Liaison and he probably has contacts within the Turian military. The Turians might be the hardest to convince of the Reapers existence, so he may be key to getting the ball rolling with his people, when he provides them with solid evidence of the true Reaper threat.
Ashley Williams/ Kaidan Alenko
 Former lover makes a return.
 Former lover makes a return.
For this part, I will be writing with Ashley in mind. For the most part, the same can be said for Kaidan.
 Ashely was my Soldier Shepard's love interest in Mass Effect and through my choices in Mass Effect 2, I believe I may have jeopardized my relationship with her. I chose to peruse relations with Miranda with my Soldier Shep and I had no idea that if you choose not to pursue a new relationship, Shepard would look at Ashley's picture and smile on the journey through the Omega Relay. This blew my mind. It made me realize that there was a huge possibility of having Ashley make a return. 
Be that as it may, having her return makes her a liaison to the Alliance. With a friend on the counsel with Anderson and Ashley on board, she will be able to keep tabs on Shepard and makes sure he's telling the truth and truly no longer working with Cerberus. Having her back also opens up the romantic aspect of Shepard's life. Does having her back make Shepard thing twice about his new relationship? Did he choose to stay faithful and now she's back by his side? Maybe she has a new lover and you have to reprove yourself to her by saving this new man in her life. I want to see aspects of the original Mass Effect come full circle into the final chapter. I believe this is a good way to include some of that original story.
  Tali'Zorah vas Normandy 
 The adorable engineer.
 The adorable engineer.
Tali is another one of those characters who have become a huge part of the Mass Effect franchise. Being a huge fan of the franchise, I love all aspects of the universe and don't associate it with any one or two characters. When it comes to gamers less Mass Effect crazy who've played it, I can't help but imagine the names Shepard, Garrus, Liara and Tali come to mind. She one of the faces of the franchise. Not only an expert in the field of Engineering, her demeanor is like none other among Shepard and Co. She's kind-hearted, brave, brilliant, loyal and innocent . Innocent to the point when a romantic dialog opens up with her, she becomes fluttered and he responses are adorable. 
Aside from being just an amazing character, she is Shepard's only link to the Quarian. A race who excels in technology. They created the Geth. An self-aware AI capable of learning vast amounts of information and absorbing technology with ease. With help from Tali, Shepard could very well recruit the Quarians in Galaxy's final hour. Of course, she was a possible love interest, so seeing her story arch with Shepard unfold would be a delight.
  Liara T'Soni 
 "Back off man, I'm a scientist."

You can stick whoever you want on the poster for Mass Effect, but Liara is one of the "poster child" characters of the franchise. Going from the sweet and innocent scientist from Mass Effect to the ruthless information broker we met in Mass Effect 2. Liara is close to Shepard, love interest or not. She would do anything for him. In her new position as Shadow Broker, she can help getting any and all information on anything he may need. Having her by his side will make the link to the Shadow Network even more valuable. Getting real time information on enemies, installations, etc. Feron could stay behind at HQ while she's away. Plus, having access to Shadow Network agents would be resourceful in the coming events as well as unfolding any romance options Shepard may have pursued with her.
 Urdnot Wrex 
 Last of the Battlemasters. Leader of the Krogan Clans.
 Last of the Battlemasters. Leader of the Krogan Clans.
Wrex has never been one to stand idly by while Shepard was in need. Yes, in Mass Effect 2, he couldn't join you as his people needed him there, but with the coming threat of the Reapers, I think Wrex will join Shepard once more. He is the leader of his people and they will follow him into battle. With the Korgan behind Shepard, the Reapers will have their war. Grunt was fine and could be liaison to the Krogans, but Wrex is the original badass and won't sit this one out. He can't. His warrior blood wouldn't allow it. That is, if he survived his time during Mass Effect, which in my experience, he most certainly did.
 "Organics fear us. We wish to understand, not to incite."
Legion is the enemy. Correction, he was the enemy. Legion just wants what's best for his people. The Geth are in civil war. The "Heretics" are under control of the Reapers, where as the rest of the Geth are apathetic toward organics. He was designed to interact with organics, specifically Shepard himself. Legion is the only liaison to the Geth Shepard has. In my experience, I helped with with a virus that would convert the Heretics into rejoining the other, good Geth. This, I believe, will be a huge impact in the third outing for Shepard. With the Geth fighting for organics, the armed force will be increased ten fold. Legion will become an important part of Mass Effect 3. It just seems like his storyline was the perfect setup for it.

Miranda Lawson 
 Cerberus Officer. Genetically enhanced.
 Cerberus Officer. Genetically enhanced.
Miranda is, or should I say was, a loyal Cerberus Officer before the final moments of Mass Effect 2 in my experience. She is my Shepard's current love interest and although an efficient soldier and biotic user, she most likely still has contacts within the Cerberus organization, maker her an asset in brining Cerberus resources to Shepard's side in aid against the Reapers. Cerberus technology would be infinitely useful in combating the Reapers. She has given her full loyalty to Shepard and in turn makes her a powerful ally.
 Mordin Solus
 Back off man, I'm a...Oh...I used that one all ready. : \ Thane Krios 
 On Death's door.
 On Death's door.
I like Thane, I really do. I'm not sure how much of a Military the Drell have, unless he has some friends who are also assassins, but I wasn't sure what he could bring to the table. The main reason Thane is on this list, is because he's kinda awesome. Besides that, I want to see where is story leads. Can we find a cure for his illness? Will he die before Earth's final hour? Either way, I want Thane back for Mass Effect 3. If he's to die, I want it to be an honorable one.
 Zaeed Massani 
 Rebel with a cause.
 Rebel with a cause.
I surprised myself with this one. I don't really like Zaeed. Never did. The fact he was the former leader of the Blue Suns mercenaries makes me think he might be a big asset in the fight to come. If he could regain command of the Blue Suns, he might be able to unite the merc groups under one flag. This would be a huge help for Shepard and with Zaeed's loyalty, it might stay like that. I fear that if he were to gain that much power, he might not know how to handle it for the good of the galaxy. When the fight is over, it might have not been the best idea to give him that much power.

Justice Bringer.
Justice Bringer.
Look, we already have an Asari, sorry doll face. The reason she gets an honorable mention is because Samara probably has a lot more pull with the Asari government than Liara has, but other than that, I'm not sure she would be a huge help other than on a personal level, fighting by Shepard's side. Unless she can recruit the Justicars, but I think that would just fall under the Asari Military. They can definitely bring her back to be the Asari liaison, since Liara kind of has her hands full with previously mention tasks. I think Samara is a super badass, so I'd love to have her for another round in the third outing.
 There you have it! The character I want to return and my thoughts on the Uniting the Factions theory. Let me know what you think! Post you're own theories or tell me I'm crazy! Come one, come all!
-Your friendly neighborhood SharpShotApollo


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Edited By SharpShotApollo

I'm a Mass Effect superfan. Before I even owned an Xbox 360, I had been following this game. I dreamed of the day my poor college-attending ass would be able to play it. I thought about buying the game to play on my buddy's 360. Yes, I wanted my hands on it this bad. The only other game I thought about doing this for was Metal Gear Solid 3, alas I still have yet to play that one. Mass Effect, on the other hand, was one of the first games I purchased when I came into a large sum of money after finishing college. Putting over 7 playthroughs and 200+ hours into Mass Effect, you could say I was somewhat excited for the sequel. You could also say I was squealing like a schoolgirl weeks before its release in January of 2010. I digress.
A post over on the Giant Bomb Mass Effect 3 forum  gave me the idea for this blog. The premise was which characters I wanted to see return in Mass Effect 3. I gave a response, but I wanted to go a little more in depth with my answers. One, because I love talking Mass Effect with anyone and everyone, and two, I like to ramble on about stuff I love. Drinking makes this evident. If you listen to my Podcast, you will soon find out we drink and ramble about games. Most of the time when we listen back to it, we find ourselves yelling at our iPhones, PCs or iPods to "shut the fuck up, you drunk!". True story. Anywho, as I sip my glass of Canadian Club Reserve, I present to you The Hero's Return - A Mass Effect (3) blog. (Yes, that's a Pink Floyd reference. I like to reference awesome when I blog. :D )
**NOTICE:** The following will contain spoilers for PS3 owners. If you have yet to play it, you might want to steer clear.
With the release of Mass Effect 3 technically under a year away, if you believe that it will make it out by December which I'm pretty confident it won't, we have to imagine what will be the main plot. Ok, maybe we don't have the imagine. The Reapers are coming and Shepard is the only person who can stop them. I saw another post in the forums about what Giant Bomb user DriveupLife had a theory on. His theory is about uniting the factions, which you can find here. I'll be getting into why I like this theory and how I see it going down in a bit.
One thing I want from Mass Effect 3 is the possibility of space combat. A little something more advanced from the Kotor mini game Bioware did. Maybe a little more Halo: Reach-ish. Full control of the Normandy in a combat situation OR taking control of a one-maned fighter from a Capital Ship or from a Space Station or Installation. 
The Normandy is docked at a station on the edge of The Terminus and it comes under Reaper attack, maybe Rogue Geth, maybe pirate attack. Shepard learns of the station's fighter compliment. He orders the Normandy to battlestations and detach from dock. He and his two current companions along with the station's fighter pilots launch their craft to defend the station. To cover if his companions can pilot the fighters or not, let's say they either stay behind to help with the relief effort on board the station or he orders them back to the Normandy before she detaches. Why is there one extra fighter for Shepard? One of the pilots dies in an explosion before they launch for drama or the station has extra fighters in case of technical issues for practicality. Either way, both are probable instances for the story to move from there. Maybe Shepard gets hit near the end of combat and he gets captured before the Normandy can rescue him? Then we get a little action with Shepard on his own, stuck on an unknown ship trying to send an SOS to his companions informing them of his location. 
See, I told you I like to ramble. With that part of a potential Mass Effect fantasy out of the way, I'll move on to the support cast. Who I want to return as Shepard's team. This doesn't include the ship's crew, for example, Kelly Chambers or Joker. Also this is where I'll add my two cents about the factions being united. Keep in mind as I write this, my first Shepard was male soldier who chose Ashley then Miranda as his bed companions. So if I go on about things you didn't experience, note this was my first experience.
Garrus Vakarian aka Archangel

 The Turian. The Legend.
 The Turian. The Legend.
Garrus has become as big a part of Mass Effect as Shepard has. He will be in Mass Effect 3, he has to be. He is my favorite character in the franchise and I've always treated him as my Second-in-Command. Miranda may have the title, but he is the actual. He is my Shepard's tactician and confident. He is my Turian Liaison and he probably has contacts within the Turian military. The Turians might be the hardest to convince of the Reapers existence, so he may be key to getting the ball rolling with his people, when he provides them with solid evidence of the true Reaper threat.
Ashley Williams/ Kaidan Alenko
 Former lover makes a return.
 Former lover makes a return.
For this part, I will be writing with Ashley in mind. For the most part, the same can be said for Kaidan.
 Ashely was my Soldier Shepard's love interest in Mass Effect and through my choices in Mass Effect 2, I believe I may have jeopardized my relationship with her. I chose to peruse relations with Miranda with my Soldier Shep and I had no idea that if you choose not to pursue a new relationship, Shepard would look at Ashley's picture and smile on the journey through the Omega Relay. This blew my mind. It made me realize that there was a huge possibility of having Ashley make a return. 
Be that as it may, having her return makes her a liaison to the Alliance. With a friend on the counsel with Anderson and Ashley on board, she will be able to keep tabs on Shepard and makes sure he's telling the truth and truly no longer working with Cerberus. Having her back also opens up the romantic aspect of Shepard's life. Does having her back make Shepard thing twice about his new relationship? Did he choose to stay faithful and now she's back by his side? Maybe she has a new lover and you have to reprove yourself to her by saving this new man in her life. I want to see aspects of the original Mass Effect come full circle into the final chapter. I believe this is a good way to include some of that original story.
 Tali'Zorah vas Normandy 
 The adorable engineer.
 The adorable engineer.
Tali is another one of those characters who have become a huge part of the Mass Effect franchise. Being a huge fan of the franchise, I love all aspects of the universe and don't associate it with any one or two characters. When it comes to gamers less Mass Effect crazy who've played it, I can't help but imagine the names Shepard, Garrus, Liara and Tali come to mind. She one of the faces of the franchise. Not only an expert in the field of Engineering, her demeanor is like none other among Shepard and Co. She's kind-hearted, brave, brilliant, loyal and innocent . Innocent to the point when a romantic dialog opens up with her, she becomes fluttered and he responses are adorable. 
Aside from being just an amazing character, she is Shepard's only link to the Quarian. A race who excels in technology. They created the Geth. An self-aware AI capable of learning vast amounts of information and absorbing technology with ease. With help from Tali, Shepard could very well recruit the Quarians in Galaxy's final hour. Of course, she was a possible love interest, so seeing her story arch with Shepard unfold would be a delight.
  Liara T'Soni 
 "Back off man, I'm a scientist."

You can stick whoever you want on the poster for Mass Effect, but Liara is one of the "poster child" characters of the franchise. Going from the sweet and innocent scientist from Mass Effect to the ruthless information broker we met in Mass Effect 2. Liara is close to Shepard, love interest or not. She would do anything for him. In her new position as Shadow Broker, she can help getting any and all information on anything he may need. Having her by his side will make the link to the Shadow Network even more valuable. Getting real time information on enemies, installations, etc. Feron could stay behind at HQ while she's away. Plus, having access to Shadow Network agents would be resourceful in the coming events as well as unfolding any romance options Shepard may have pursued with her.
 Urdnot Wrex 
 Last of the Battlemasters. Leader of the Krogan Clans.
 Last of the Battlemasters. Leader of the Krogan Clans.
Wrex has never been one to stand idly by while Shepard was in need. Yes, in Mass Effect 2, he couldn't join you as his people needed him there, but with the coming threat of the Reapers, I think Wrex will join Shepard once more. He is the leader of his people and they will follow him into battle. With the Korgan behind Shepard, the Reapers will have their war. Grunt was fine and could be liaison to the Krogans, but Wrex is the original badass and won't sit this one out. He can't. His warrior blood wouldn't allow it. That is, if he survived his time during Mass Effect, which in my experience, he most certainly did.
 "Organics fear us. We wish to understand, not to incite."
Legion is the enemy. Correction, he was the enemy. Legion just wants what's best for his people. The Geth are in civil war. The "Heretics" are under control of the Reapers, where as the rest of the Geth are apathetic toward organics. He was designed to interact with organics, specifically Shepard himself. Legion is the only liaison to the Geth Shepard has. In my experience, I helped with with a virus that would convert the Heretics into rejoining the other, good Geth. This, I believe, will be a huge impact in the third outing for Shepard. With the Geth fighting for organics, the armed force will be increased ten fold. Legion will become an important part of Mass Effect 3. It just seems like his storyline was the perfect setup for it.

Miranda Lawson 
 Cerberus Officer. Genetically enhanced.
 Cerberus Officer. Genetically enhanced.
Miranda is, or should I say was, a loyal Cerberus Officer before the final moments of Mass Effect 2 in my experience. She is my Shepard's current love interest and although an efficient soldier and biotic user, she most likely still has contacts within the Cerberus organization, maker her an asset in brining Cerberus resources to Shepard's side in aid against the Reapers. Cerberus technology would be infinitely useful in combating the Reapers. She has given her full loyalty to Shepard and in turn makes her a powerful ally.
 Mordin Solus
 Back off man, I'm a...Oh...I used that one all ready. : \Thane Krios 
 On Death's door.
 On Death's door.
I like Thane, I really do. I'm not sure how much of a Military the Drell have, unless he has some friends who are also assassins, but I wasn't sure what he could bring to the table. The main reason Thane is on this list, is because he's kinda awesome. Besides that, I want to see where is story leads. Can we find a cure for his illness? Will he die before Earth's final hour? Either way, I want Thane back for Mass Effect 3. If he's to die, I want it to be an honorable one.
 Zaeed Massani 
 Rebel with a cause.
 Rebel with a cause.
I surprised myself with this one. I don't really like Zaeed. Never did. The fact he was the former leader of the Blue Suns mercenaries makes me think he might be a big asset in the fight to come. If he could regain command of the Blue Suns, he might be able to unite the merc groups under one flag. This would be a huge help for Shepard and with Zaeed's loyalty, it might stay like that. I fear that if he were to gain that much power, he might not know how to handle it for the good of the galaxy. When the fight is over, it might have not been the best idea to give him that much power.

Justice Bringer.
Justice Bringer.
Look, we already have an Asari, sorry doll face. The reason she gets an honorable mention is because Samara probably has a lot more pull with the Asari government than Liara has, but other than that, I'm not sure she would be a huge help other than on a personal level, fighting by Shepard's side. Unless she can recruit the Justicars, but I think that would just fall under the Asari Military. They can definitely bring her back to be the Asari liaison, since Liara kind of has her hands full with previously mention tasks. I think Samara is a super badass, so I'd love to have her for another round in the third outing.
 There you have it! The character I want to return and my thoughts on the Uniting the Factions theory. Let me know what you think! Post you're own theories or tell me I'm crazy! Come one, come all!
-Your friendly neighborhood SharpShotApollo
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Edited By Oldirtybearon

This is a well done blog, and I agree with many of your choices, but. 
I honestly don't care what happens to Ashley Williams at this point. She can rot, get a Reaper dropped on her, I don't care. Her inability to get over the whole "CERBERUS~!" thing still blows my mind, because she knew Shepard better than anyone else in the original crew (in my game, anyhow), and yet she'd still think he's a traitor to his mission, to his people? That bitch.  
Otherwise, yeah, I agree with the above mentioned, except for maybe Thane. You really wrap his story up in a neat little bow by the end of ME2. Unless you're female and romanced him, I don't see how else he could be developed or impact the story. Same for Mordin. Chances are Mordin is dead by the time ME3 rolls around (or at the very least is ancient by Salarian terms), and I don't see him making a squad-based return. All I really want are Legion, Tali, Garrus, and Wrex in my party. Wrex because goddamn it, I miss the big scaly bastard. Garrus because he's the ultimate sidekick, and Legion, well, because he's probably the most fascinating companion in ME2. Tali, well, my Shepard found comfort in the Quarian after the whole Ashley Williams thing nose dived harder than the Hindenburg.  
That said, I don't know if they're going to go with uniting the galaxy, or with something else. I just hope that there is, at some point, a twenty minute speech to the Council that basically boils down to "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO". 

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Edited By TBird13

Since all your squad mates can die in ME 2, I really doubt any of the previous characters in ME2 will play a huge role.  Like Wrex in ME2, I think they'll have a cool cameo, and will be doing stuff in the world, but I don't think they'll be in your squad or play that huge a role in the actual plot.  I mean, none of the choices you make in Mass Effect effect what missions you do, they effect what happens within that specific mission.  They can be referenced later on, but we've yet to see any real consequence to them outside of characters dying.  Even the death of the council in the first one doesn't effect anything that actually happens in the second.  

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Edited By SharpShotApollo
@KingWilly said:

I just hope that there is, at some point, a twenty minute speech to the Council that basically boils down to "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO".  "

I would LOVE if Shepard had the last word and gave the Council a big FUCK YOU at the end. So awesome!
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Edited By Trucker_Sean

I'm starting to think that I am the only person that loved Zaaed. On long journeys through the blackness of space my renegade self would often grab a couple of space beers, visit the ornery bastard in his quarters and listen to his battle stories. It didn't matter if he told the same stories over and over, I found comfort knowing that there was someone in the universe with a no-nonsense approach to battle and a slightly colder and blacker heart than my own.  He was almost like the horrible, abusive father that I never had.
Sadly though, I have to agree with TBird, I don't think any of the playable characters in the main story quest of 2 will be playable in 3. I'm sure Liara will be there, but the fact that everyone else could die in the final battle implies to me that they will not play a big role in 3. The only way they could really do it is if anyone who survived were basically bonus characters that you could choose among the inevitable new cast of regular characters that the game will center around. But I don't really see Bioware taking it that far. They sure as hell better not kill them off in some lazy cutscene at the beginning to make things convenient for them though. Mark my words, if they harm Tali in any way, shape or form, I will instantly take the disc out of my tray, drop kick it out the window, and curse the entire franchise all the way to my grave. MARK MY WORDS BIOWARE!!
Also, *double spoilers* I put that bitch Samara in the ground because Morinth is better  
Your evil counterpart Sean 

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Edited By SharpShotApollo
I feel like Bioware will have a plan for that. I mean, if everyone survived, I have to believe they will have some return. Maybe not all of them, but some for sure, like Garrus and Tali. I feel like I read somewhere that these character would carry over to ME3 if they survived, if not, then new character could be recruited. Don't quote me, but I'm positive I read that in an interview somewhere. I mean it would suck hardcore if Garrus doesn't return after I made sure he survived.
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Edited By McGhee

You left out Jack. This blog fails. :P

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Edited By SharpShotApollo
@Trucker_Sean: You're totally my evil counterpart! If we joined forces, we'd be like Captain Planet or some shit. I loved listening to Zaeed's stories, but he was an liability in battle. He didn't listen to my orders. So I punched him in the face and left him to die until he shaped up and started acting as a subordinate. He still may act tough, but he's my bitch! <3
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Edited By SharpShotApollo
@McGhee_the_Insomniac said:
" You left out Jack. This blog fails. :P "
Bahahaha! Sorry, but I like to be the man in a relationship. Jack made me feel otherwise. : \ lol
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Edited By McGhee
Nah, once you get her in bed it's all tears and cuddling.
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Edited By SharpShotApollo
Her tears I hope. Cause I feel like after a night were her my Shep would curl into the fettle position and cry.
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Edited By McGhee
Her tears, yes. It was actually quite touching. In more ways than one, if you know what I mean. Hurr hur.
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Edited By armaan8014

What I want ME 3 to do is SHOW TALI'S FACE

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Edited By TBird13
@SharpShotApollo: Maybe you'll be able to choose 2 or 3 characters  who made it in 2 and get them as squad mates.  As for the rest, I think they'll play the same sort of role Wrex had in 2 - affecting the Mass Effect universe, but no heavy impact on the plot.  Bioware could change the formula for the games, but so far, the choices you make have no effect on what missions you do, or even how you do them.   
Though, if we're wishing for things, can we throw Grunt, Jack, and Sumara out the airlock?  Just the option would be appreciated.  
Sigh, fine - just put them in the corner for awhile until they learn to be better written.  
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Edited By kariyanine

My Miranda died.  I still mourn her loss.  As for the rest of them, I don't much care except for maybe Tali and Garrus.

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Edited By SharpShotApollo
I think there will be a bigger impact between 2 and 3 much more than between 1 and 2 for the choices you've made now that they kinda have a good sense of how they want the game to unravel and less time between games releasing. I would totally put Grunt in the corner with a dunce cap on.      
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Edited By SharpShotApollo
*Cartoon-ish fanboy gasp* I can't believe you let Miranda die. You can't let a character with an ass like that die. You just can't. Honestly though, if I couldn't have my wishes, as long as Garrus and Tali came back with Liara as an NPC role, I guess I could be fine with that. I would just have to hope that the new characters are all kinds of awesome.
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Edited By mano521

i really hope that the story in ME3 is like, crazy flexible to include all the options that could have happened to your squad in the last mission. i really want Garrus as a teammate in the last game. he was by far my favorite character. and Tali too. I also love the idea of wrex getting back into the fray. Maybe if nobody dies in your suicide mission you get more crew member options and they each have more loyalty missions. Sort of like getting rewarded for finishing the game the "correct" way

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Edited By jeanluc  Staff

 @SharpShotApollo: Thane already died an honorable death in my playthough. Great blog. I'm totally with you on Garrus. He's my Shepard's closest friend and the best guy to have your back. I'm I the only one who would watch a Buddy Cop Drama staring Shepard and Garrus?

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Edited By Dingofighter
@KingWilly said:
"I honestly don't care what happens to Ashley Williams at this point. She can rot, get a Reaper dropped on her, I don't care. Her inability to get over the whole "CERBERUS~!" thing still blows my mind, because she knew Shepard better than anyone else in the original crew (in my game, anyhow), and yet she'd still think he's a traitor to his mission, to his people? That bitch.
I have to say, I actually thought the same thing after meeting her, and I had my mind set on "spacebanging" Tali. 
Then I noticed I'd recieved mail from Ashley where she pretty much said that she was sorry for what she said, I think, and then I went through ME2 without romancing anyone. 
Was I the only one who got this mail? Because it seems everyone else hates Ashley. 
Atleast I won't get shot in the face by Ashley in ME3 when she inevitably finds out what you did in ME2, though I didn't get the S-Rank in ME2 because I didn't romance anyone... Let's hope it pays off in ME3...
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Edited By dapperman
...I find it beautiful that you COMPLETELY understand why I love Garrus he is essential to the Shepard story of Mass Effect, he is  nice separation to what would be a textbook  Turian
I think it would be a powerful message by Bioware if it was feasible to save the universe without either The Council or Cerberus but with every other fraction, humanity are treated why to nicely in all these sorts of Sci-FI (I don't expect that to be easy mind) . 
Great blog dude
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Edited By kariyanine
@wasteguru: no, you are not alone.  I would watch that as well.
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Edited By SharpShotApollo
@wasteguru: Nope, I'd watch that in a heartbeat.
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Edited By Jeust

No Jack? 
You make Jack... ANGRY!!!!!!!!

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Edited By SharpShotApollo
@johnnysasaki: Thanks dude! I'd love to see Shepard do it without either of their help as well. He seems to do all the work while they reap the rewards. Eff those assholes!
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Edited By SharpShotApollo
@MaFoLu: I don't hate her either and I got the email as well. I can understand where she is coming from, but I'm kinda frightened at what she might do to me after she finds out what I did to Miranda. If you know what I mean. I wrecked that chick. I mean, I can only assume I did.
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Edited By Oldirtybearon
@MaFoLu said:
" @KingWilly said:
"I honestly don't care what happens to Ashley Williams at this point. She can rot, get a Reaper dropped on her, I don't care. Her inability to get over the whole "CERBERUS~!" thing still blows my mind, because she knew Shepard better than anyone else in the original crew (in my game, anyhow), and yet she'd still think he's a traitor to his mission, to his people? That bitch.
I have to say, I actually thought the same thing after meeting her, and I had my mind set on "spacebanging" Tali. Then I noticed I'd recieved mail from Ashley where she pretty much said that she was sorry for what she said, I think, and then I went through ME2 without romancing anyone. Was I the only one who got this mail? Because it seems everyone else hates Ashley. Atleast I won't get shot in the face by Ashley in ME3 when she inevitably finds out what you did in ME2, though I didn't get the S-Rank in ME2 because I didn't romance anyone... Let's hope it pays off in ME3... "
I got the email too, but there are some points where "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it. If she had some sort of realization she would've hauled her ass off to the Normandy because she'd know Shepard needed her help. But naw, she's all "Psh I guess I went a little crazy" instead of "I thought about what you said and yeah, you're right."  Bitch is cut off now. I'm done with her xenophobic God-loving rambles.