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Another unexpected 2021 thing: getting WAY back into original Xbox

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Down in the Valley

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Inspired by Madden NFL13's wonky physics animation A.I., here's a collection of memorable moments down in the uncanny valley.

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  • It looks ok at full speed but during replays you can really see the physics animation system adjusting limbs and angles. They should license it for a Breakin' game powered by Pop/Loc-Tech!

  • Sometimes you need a minute or two to think about important decisions. When the Earth is on fire and maybe you're being controlled by an ancient race of alien overlords, just take your time deciding which answer to give. It's cool, they'll wait... forever, if need be.

  • Glitches are a part of the Matrix but the ones I found repeatedly in this game made it hard to believe in even this far-fetched virtual/meta/virtual reality.

    Fist-fighting, I managed to send a guy careening through a wall, his body frozen in a mid-air death animation that left his legs visibly twitching out of the wall. At another point Neo was unable to finish climbing a ladder and got stuck in an endless climb animation.

  • Maybe I acquired a pre-release version of this game and maybe I saw some things no one should see. Like the Prince's body disappearing leaving only two floating swords and a disembodied head to gauge my jumps and attacks by. At another moment a horse cart got ahead of its scripting and instead of brushing against my own cart it spins in a circle and explodes against an invisible wall.

  • Disguised as a chef in a science lab. A guard looks at you suspiciously. You quickly pull a frying pan out of thin air and begin frying an egg over an imaginary stove to convince him you're really a chef. This is not how reality works!