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Select starts the game on arcade sticks without touchpad...

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@bladededge: Why would you ever write something on paper if it's so much easier and faster to type on a computer? Because some find it enjoyable and more communicative- much like driving a manual. Some people just can't be bothered, and that's fine.

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Appreciate the warning Dan gives at the beginning. Not in the mood to see Dan feign ignorance for 2 hours. Thanks!

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Note: There may be further notes that should be noted

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Edited By shottyB

Has anyone noticed how Ben constantly stares at the studio monitor? It drives me nuts. I noticed Dan does this all the time too, and I'm not sure why but it's extremely distracting to me.

Not sure why this was the video that made me comment on this but it's something that I can't unsee.

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Edited By shottyB

Really odd how the general consensus here is "Why didn't you make another Gran Turismo" when people have been complaining since 5 about GT being the same. I also love the rose tinted glasses people put on when remembering GT's career mode when anyone who's played a decent amount of it can tell you it is by far the most trivial and grindy thing ever conceived. You pick a super over powered car and you lap the field over and over again so you can build up money (and please don't get me started on the "endurance" events). It was by far the weakest part of Gran Turismo and I'm thrilled they did away with it- it was simply a barrier to to the experiences I wanted to get to.

Then there's people mad about the game punishing you for playing Destruction Derby in the ranked matches. I see comments like this and it makes me appreciate the game even more- I'm happy to have people who think it's their right to race dirty stick with the other games (which I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole- I'm looking at you, Forza online races).

This is a game for people who actually give a shit about the actual act of motorsport and I love it for that.

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Edited By shottyB

Jeff was asking what the intended crowd thinks of this, and I think I fit very neatly into that category. I've been playing racing sims for many years and take it quite seriously. I've played Gran Turismo with a group of friends online for years and we've played every GT entry extensively.

So far we all love it. The most important thing this game enables is consistent clean racing online with other people in your skill level. If you take the racing seriously this is next to impossible in most games other than iRacing (and SRS with Assetto Corsa on PC). But even those have a much much smaller user base and generally a much more serious and even more pompous vibe. I liken this game to iRacing for the masses rather than simply another GT entry.

As far as the actual game is concerned, everyone seems to agree that it's a marked improvement over GT6 in terms of physics and force feedback on a wheel, but it's still not quite there with games like Assetto Corsa.

Bummed to hear Jeff doesn't like it but that's not surprising really. I'll be playing the ever loving shit out of it and thrilled that I have a game that provides consistent clean and competitive racing.

Edit: Just wanted to address a few things people seem a bit fuzzy on in here. Firstly the SR- it's super easy to look at the SR down and think you're being punished unjustly- but in my experience it's absolutely fine. You'll notice he's gaining SR consistently while racing cleanly, and at the end of the race it's the culmination of SR that gets reported to your score (which shows if you went up or down at the end of the race). If you race clean your safety rating will go up even with a few incidents here and there. I played the closed beta extensively and can attest that the system is quite just.

Oh and as far as ghosting goes, ghosting is completely eliminated as you climb the SR ranks. Rooms with a low SR average will have more ghosting. IIRC a safety rating of A average in a room means that there is 0 ghosting no matter what.

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Hell yes. Love me some home game. Sadly this is probably the only new GB content I've consumed (yum) in the last few months. Back to the archives for me after this one- reminded me why I love(d) GB.

P.S: I still love you I'm just old and angry.

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Funny thought came to me while watching this quick look... I always like to think of what people would think if you took a game from the future (our current time) back in time and showed it to them- i.e taking Battlefield One back to when Super Mario World or Mario 3 was fresh.

What if you took this game back to the era of fresh SNES (S.N.E.S. NOT SNESS OR SUPER NES) games- would people be able to appreciate the framerate / subtle lighting effects and recognize it as something futuristic? Would it fit in with the arcade games of the period? I'm not trying to put down the games art style in any way, in fact I quite dig it- it just made me ponder about this..