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update + E3 2012

I finished the single player of KID ICARUS UPRISING and I loved it. The story was hilarious and charming, with surprising characters and excellent voice acting. The gameplay was challenging but feels like you can get better with practice, and I intend to continue playing for achievements (so many). The controls are amazing, and while I understand they can be love it/hate it, I luckily find myself in the love it camp. Masahiro Sakurai, I bow to you yet again. 9/10

E3 was this week and I saw some upcoming games. Being an owner of 3DS and Xbox 360, I mostly looked to what those would bring in the future. I was also interested in seeing what the Wii U would bring.

On the XBOX side:

Resident Evil 6 looks fun, but I'm a little disappointed in the lack of more survival horror creepiness that was revived in the 3DS Revelations. I'm basing this off the short gameplay demo they showed, and I hope the final game will have more variety in terms of gameplay (not just third person shoot shoot shoot)

Halo 4 looks interesting. I was never too interested in the Halo franchise ever, so if I find myself getting a cheap or free copy, then yay. Otherwise pass.

Black Ops 2 I have mixed feelings about, just because I was a big fan of Treyarch's first Black Ops game, which I felt was the pinnacle of Call of Duty thus far. The formula has gotten too old and I definitely sensed that with Modern Warfare 3. That said, I like the futuristic setting and I like Call of Duty over the top explosiveness, so I'm on the fence on whether to get another CoD or just pass this year.

Tomb Raider looks fun, and I like how they made Lara Croft seem extremely vulnerable. That said, I remember a comic with Doolan saying "Everything was Uncharted" and that sums up the game and the industry in general. The difference between game A and B is become smaller.

I don't remember anything else I cared about really. Out of all that, I'd probably just get RE6 only because I have immensely enjoyed all the games in the series, and if Mercenaries returns and the game's single player has some elements or traditional horror, then yay.

On the 3DS side:

New Super Mario Bros 2. looks fun, and if it is as addictive as Super Mario 3D Land then I'm down. I also hear this game will be downloadable and if that's the case I may purchase it via eShop so that it is always on the system. Overall, another solid looking Mario platformer which is good.

Paper Mario 3DS looks great, and as always with these games you don't really get excited for them until days before its released because screens, videos don't do these games justice. The storylines and the gameplay is what makes them so special, so I'm just happy its coming out this year and can't wait for it.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of something something is a 3D castlevania game, and if it has elements of previous Metroidvania titles like amazing music, killer weapons, exciting level design, and awesome bosses, then there's no way this can go wrong. So we'll see.

Luigi's Mansion on 3DS may end up being a sleeper hit, and I can see myself getting it if its a quality game. I've never played the original so I don't know what to expect, but hopefully its good.

There were 3 games I did not see and was disappointed was Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle, and Layton Vs Ace Attorney. But those are sort of niche titles, and as long as they come to US I'll be happy.

On the Wii U side:

Pikmin 3 looks great, and I want to play it since it's sure to be as fun and addicting as Pikmin 2.

NintendoLand looked kinda silly at first, but it's probably really fun at parties and with family (if I had family). The Donkey Kong Crash Course thing actually looked really cool.

New Super Mario Bros U looks like more Mario platformer, which is not a bad thing, but at this point being the fourth release (NSMB DS, NSMB Wii, NSMB 2) the novel concept is getting tired.

Project P-100 by Kamiya looks like a lot of fun, and could capture some of that hectic crazy fun that I've yearned for since Viewtiful Joe. The simple graphics are a slight turn off though, but I don't really care for graphics that much.

ZombiU looks interesting. The zombie survival game concept is far from new, but if this game is similar to the Zombies mode in the Treyarch Call of Duty games, then it could be a lot of fun. Online and offline co-op play would be really important, and if it were just single player that would be missing the point on why CoD Zombies or L4D were so much fun in the first place. Surviving the zombie outbreak is more fun with others.

All in all, the Wii U's reveal was a little disappointing since the first-party efforts felt relatively bare, and the third party offerings were mostly ports. In the same way that Wii Sports eventually evolved into more compelling games like Zelda Skyward Sword, games that take these new and innovative gameplay mechanics into more fully realized games are what me and most people are looking forward to. I know Nintendo will do just that in the future, but it's just I was hoping to see more of it at this year's E3. So if this is what to expect at Wii U's launch, I'll simply wait until more compelling gameplay concepts emerge. Because I do see the enormous potential of the controller to take gameplay to new heights. A new Metroid Prime game could be an impressive showcase for the gamepad. The touch panel provides a canvas for creative input into games, and that could be potentially amazing.

Bottom Line, I see the potential clearly for Wii U, now just waiting for more games.