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My Family Reunion

This is my first family reunion and I didn't know what to expect but now that I'm here and I've met some folk, I have one thing to say: They are country! I don't know how my mom came any so different. She's not that country at all but the rest of family is real country. They dress country, some talk with a country accent and others are just plain country. And I think it's great.  
Unfortunately, I don't have much time to post since my mom wants to use her computer (hehe) so I'll post more later.


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Edited By sirkibble23

This is my first family reunion and I didn't know what to expect but now that I'm here and I've met some folk, I have one thing to say: They are country! I don't know how my mom came any so different. She's not that country at all but the rest of family is real country. They dress country, some talk with a country accent and others are just plain country. And I think it's great.  
Unfortunately, I don't have much time to post since my mom wants to use her computer (hehe) so I'll post more later.