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Games that Clothed, Fed, and Bathed me

maybe I enjoyed these titles a little too much...

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  • The King Daddy. Like for many other gamers in 1998, Ocarina of Time simply felt magical. It made my little 8-year-old brain believe that every game should be this good and every character somehow like Link.

  • Along with Ocarina of Time, BK was a game I played at a young enough age for almost every character and level to be filed away in perfect 3-D in my head. Playing back through this game now reminds me how impressionable I was as a kid and how a few colorful, sometimes freaky levels could daunt and amaze me. It is placed above Super Mario 64 only because BK frustrated me less, so I played it more. I could never beat Mr. Vile and get his Jiggy until I picked the game back up through XBLA and put that bastard in his place.

  • I played this series of games instead of the Marios. I don't really know why. I think I just liked funny animals on my box covers more than little mustachioed men. Still, these games are great and they have produced a stockpile of gaming memories for me.

  • This game used to scare the hell out of me. It's funny. Paying it now reveals nothing scary about it at all. I think at the age I played it I was more afraid of dying or failing to get a certain star that I just tensed up whenever I played it. The grandfather clock and rainbow ride levels were close to torture and I was never able to get all 120 stars which I still look back on in disappointment even today. However, I did beat the game at a young age with around 88 stars or so which I feel was good for how old I was. However, this game really makes the list because of how frustrating it was for me. Mario falling out of the sky, dying with those "X"-ed out eyes, and running around apeshit onfire are moments forever engraved in my mind.