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I (Already) Miss Ryan Davis

"Hey everybody, it's Tuuuueeesssday!"

I've written and rewritten this so many times today, but finding the right words has been difficult. There are a few things that I just need to share about Ryan Davis, so here we go.

A friend and I sent a mailbag once. He got my name wrong (missed the note in his hurry get Happy Hour started) and made a point to publicly apologize. We laughed it off over Twitter.

Ryan once used an image of a Nintendo promotional item I sent him for the Bombcast image. “It’s on like Donkey Kong!”

When I bought my first house I excitedly messaged him, telling him the news. He replied to me in that way only Ryan could, “Stand on all four corners of your property and survey your land!”

Ryan could make you feel important and he made it seem so easy. I never met Ryan in person, but after listening to him every week for around three hours, watching him Quick Look games, post stupid things on Twitter, and read his reviews/articles for years I feel like I've lost a friend. When I heard the news this morning at first I didn't think it was real. Once reality set in, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut and the wind knocked out of me. I've spent the day alternating between laughing at his memory and choking back tears at the thought of no more new shenanigans from the king of summer jams.

It is hard saying goodbye to a friend. I never thought it would be this hard saying goodbye to one I only knew through email, mailbags, videos, podcasts, and Twitter. It is even harder when you're the same age, making it all feel too soon. I suppose it will always feel too soon to say farewell to someone that made you laugh, think, and try new things.

Somewhere out there is an arcade cabinet with a dollar on it just waiting for a challenger.

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