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Quick Saints Row 2 Impressions

Well last night I got saints row 2 and I played till about 5 in the morning [love fall break] and I like it so far. It definently embraces craziness in a way gta 4 does not and the game looks like it could take a while to do everything. I really liked the first Saints Row I loved the environment which felt different than almost any other open world game and how clean and sharp the graphics looked. While Saints Row 2 they went for a grimier and dirtier look and it just dosen't look as good the character models are improved but the environment looks just dead and lifeless and taht's bad considering tehy tried to make the city more bustling and populated in this one. In th first Saints Row I did all of the extra activities and side missions and it looks like it will take me alot longer to do that almost quadruple the time. So far though the story is an improvement over the first though because the first had an ok story but it didn't really get in depth at all until the end in Saints Row 2 some of your old friends die and new friends also. The only issues other than the graphics I have had is glitches whether it is shooting someone and then they dissapear or my car dissapearing while I am driving it. The shooting also I don't think is better than GTA 4 because that is the only thing you can really compare to it other than the car controls but the shooting is really good but it just dosen't have the same power as a gun in GTA 4. The civilians in the game suprised me though I didn't think they would spend time making the civilinas act real or do real things but in Saints 2 civilians will take pictures with their phone or you will see a couple sitting together on a bench until you go back to shooting shit on them and other people. If you are a fan of open world games I would say defiently try this at some point it is the second best sandbox gta type of game series out now.

How the graphics have changed

Saints Row graphics
Saints Row graphics

Saints Row 2 graphics
Saints Row 2 graphics