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Paid membership update: the basics and a video test

It should come as little surprise to most of you that the engineering team here has been working on a paid membership product for Whiskey Media over the last couple of weeks. While I'm gonna wait for each of the sites to make formal announcements about what it includes I figured we're far enough along at this point to start talking roughly about our plan and get some feedback from everyone. I'll be releasing more details over the next couple weeks as we adjust with your feedback.
First, why are we doing this? 
It's easier for us to build towards what our users want, than what random visitors off Google require. We can either build a better product than our competitors and rely on our small, hardcore userbase to partially support us (that's right, you're now a pie slice!), or we can go for quantity as a content farm and build everybody-eats-it-but-nobody-likes-it web sites like our competitors. We like being able to be proud of our work, so door number one it is!
What am I going to lose if I don't buy any of this? 
Sorry, you must be thinking about someone else. We're in the not pissing off the Internet business. The site as you see it right now will remain largely unchanged.

What's this about unified Whiskey Media accounts? 
First off, we're going to create a unified Whiskey Media account system tied to your email that will work on any of our sites. You don't need to pay for that, everyone will just get it for free on day one after jumping through a couple account-linking hoops. Yes, you'll be able to retain different usernames across sites, but you'll only be able to link one account per site to your umbrella email account. If you end up deciding to upgrade to a paid account you'll earn the benefits across the entire network so no worries about us trying to make you pay more than once. 

 The mobile version.
 The mobile version.
Dude, just give me some details already. 
OK, so it wasn't hard to figure out the nuts and bolts stuff  you guys wanted... HD Video, mobile / iPad support and no ads. Fine. Done. So without further ado lets list out the first 3 confirmed features... 

  • Stream and Download HD Video at 720p (we shoot and receive most source material in 720, 1080 would just be upscale). Here are a couple tests, let me know how they look (Wargames, Portal 2). We plan on doing this for our entire back catalog, but obviously the newer stuff will look better.
  • A completely redesigned mobile site built in HTML 5 with video-watching, commenting and profiles built into it from the start. It will work on any smartphone with a web browser (iphone, android...etc). The site will continue to work as is for everyone else. Our iPhone app from last year is still free.
  • No ads (if you go for yearly billing). Sorry but we need to be able to make reasonable guesses against our ad inventory, and we can't do that unless we know for sure what portion of our audience is in it for the long haul.
Dude, that's it? 
Nope, not even the start. That's just the stuff you could have guessed. I'll talk about the rest in the next couple weeks and I'm sure the various editorial teams will start talking about this stuff pretty soon. For now I just wanted to say... yes, this is a thing, it's happening in September and don't worry, we're trying to be smart about all this.
 Unified accounts are free.
 Unified accounts are free.
What definitely won't be in the plan? 
  • Paid message boards. I just don't like segregating audiences.
  • Anything that involves the wiki. Sorry, that's something we all built together and I couldn't ask anyone to pay for premium access or features there. We'll be rebuilding/redesigning all our wiki and API tools quite soon, but that has nothing to do with this. As far as the wiki goes, everyone is equal.
  • Calendars of anime chicks?
  • Free games from five years ago?
  • Any sort of in-your-face hard sell. I've got the feeling most of you just want to support us and could care less about the features. That's great, we'll respect you back in the same way with not trying to do anything stupid when it comes to convincing you to make that decision.
What will this cost?   

We're still figuring that out.  If I mentioned anything that wasn't concrete I think our BizDev guy might have a heart attack. I can say there will be a monthly and yearly option. Along with no ads we're considering giving T-Shirts to anyone who signs up for the yearly plan. Does that sound like a good idea, what would you want to see on the T-Shirt? We'd likely have to add $10 to anyone outside the US to pay for shipping if we end up going that route. 
Will you support paypal? 
Right now we're thinking about going only with credit / debit card processing. If there is wild outrage that paypal isn't an option I'd like to hear it.
Duder, I've got an idea! 

I'd love to hear it. Let us know what you think below.


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Edited By DoctorTran

What are the T-shirt sizes?

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Edited By hilld1985
@DoctorTran said:
" What are the T-shirt sizes? "
As you would expect. 
s, m, l, xl, xxl
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Edited By DoctorTran
@hilld1985:  That's rather disappointing as I'm sure there are quite a few people around here who would appreciate a XXXL
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you lied dave

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Edited By Buscemi
@DoctorTran: I didn't even know there was a size that big, for serious.
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Edited By CL60
"What am I going to lose if I don't buy any of this? 
 Sorry, you must be thinking about someone else. We're in the not pissing off the Internet business. The site as you see it right now will remain largely unchanged.  "  
 " What definitely won't be in the plan?  
  • Any sort of in-your-face hard sell. I've got the feeling most of you just want to support us and could care less about the features. That's great, we'll respect you back in the same way with not trying to do anything stupid when it comes to convincing you to make that decision." 
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Edited By Lunar_Aura

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Edited By vitor
@KaosAngel said:

" @Asurastrike said:

" Instead of splitting the Bombcast in two, how about doing a video component and make the audio free to non subscribers, and the video only available to subscribers? "
...they're trying to save money on bandwidth, and you want them to raise the amount that would be used. "
They're actually going to be using up more bandwidth by having the bombcast split into so many differing junks and options though (unless I misunderstood here). 
Also, charging for it doesn't save money on something you were going to do regardless. Even more so when you can't quantify it's value - they'll never know how many people bought a sub because of the bombcast split after all so they're as screwed as the advertisers are in that respect. 
Also, totally agree that an exclusive video bombcast for members would have been a better call. 
Yo, next time I want to see that damned spider and cower in fear with the crew...
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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@CL60 said:
" "What am I going to lose if I don't buy any of this? 
 Sorry, you must be thinking about someone else. We're in the not pissing off the Internet business. The site as you see it right now will remain largely unchanged.  "  
 " What definitely won't be in the plan?  
  • Any sort of in-your-face hard sell. I've got the feeling most of you just want to support us and could care less about the features. That's great, we'll respect you back in the same way with not trying to do anything stupid when it comes to convincing you to make that decision." 
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Edited By PokySharpy
@BRNK said:
" I think I'll jump in...maybe having money riding on this site would nudge me out of lurker status and into the seedy, neon light of the Giant Bomb community. I'm not surprised there's so much negative backlash because this is the internet, but weren't some of you naysayers wondering how in the hell this site was making money and hence curious about the viability of the site? Intermittent ads don't pay for a whole team. "
Hehe, this is my first post, my subscription is also nudging me out of lurker status. =)
Seriously, all the negativity around here is crazy.  How much of GB's amazing work have you guys slurped up over the years, without them ever asking for a dime?  How many QLs, how many episodes of ER and TANG, how many fucking AWESOME BOMBCASTS have we all been given?  Now's the chance to give back and say that you appreciate their hard work.
To the Whiskey guys: I'm sorry you have to put up with all this bullshit.
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Edited By StrikeALight
@PokySharpy said:

" @BRNK said:

" I think I'll jump in...maybe having money riding on this site would nudge me out of lurker status and into the seedy, neon light of the Giant Bomb community. I'm not surprised there's so much negative backlash because this is the internet, but weren't some of you naysayers wondering how in the hell this site was making money and hence curious about the viability of the site? Intermittent ads don't pay for a whole team. "
Hehe, this is my first post, my subscription is also nudging me out of lurker status. =)  Seriously, all the negativity around here is crazy.  How much of GB's amazing work have you guys slurped up over the years, without them ever asking for a dime?  How many QLs, how many episodes of ER and TANG, how many fucking AWESOME BOMBCASTS have we all been given?  Now's the chance to give back and say that you appreciate their hard work.  To the Whiskey guys: I'm sorry you have to put up with all this bullshit. "
Completely agree. Some of the flames/threats/whining on the GB boards at the moment is frankly a little pathetic.
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Edited By TehJames
@snide said:

What am I going to lose if I don't buy any of this? 
Sorry, you must be thinking about someone else. We're in the not pissing off the Internet business. The site as you see it right now will remain largely unchanged.

Great! Btw, next week i am going to listing to the bombcast.......
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Edited By Wuddel
@PokySharpy said: 

@BRNK said: 

" I think I'll jump in...maybe having money riding on this site would nudge me out of lurker status and into the seedy, neon light of the Giant Bomb community. I'm not surprised there's so much negative backlash because this is the internet, but weren't some of you naysayers wondering how in the hell this site was making money and hence curious about the viability of the site? Intermittent ads don't pay for a whole team. "

Hehe, this is my first post, my subscription is also nudging me out of lurker status. =)  Seriously, all the negativity around here is crazy.  How much of GB's amazing work have you guys slurped up over the years, without them ever asking for a dime?  How many QLs, how many episodes of ER and TANG, how many fucking AWESOME BOMBCASTS have we all been given?  Now's the chance to give back and say that you appreciate their hard work.  To the Whiskey guys: I'm sorry you have to put up with all this bullshit. "  

  • I'd love to see a yearly t-shirt. I am cool with the $10 extra.
  • I would prefer GB-specific stuff on that t-shirt. Not general WM-stuff.
  • On second thought, why don't you sell (more) t-shirts? I mean that is the business model of those 1-man web comics like It seems to work for them, an the shirts are cool.
  • Let the yearly subscribers just select one for free. Maybe add an exclusive choice.
  • Support paypal. You are probably not aware of that, but much of continental europe despises credit cards (which are used like debit cards here anyway).
  • Calendars of real chicks?
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Edited By fr0y0
@Wuddel said:
  • Support paypal. You are probably not aware of that, but much of continental europe despises credit cards (which are used like debit cards here anyway).
This, a hundred times this. I cannot express how edgy I am about paypal not being available. I cringe so hard when I think about the moment when I saw the part for payment options in the subscription form. 
Paypal, please!
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Edited By skunk

 @PokySharpy said:

" Hehe, this is my first post, my subscription is also nudging me out of lurker status. =)  Seriously, all the negativity around here is crazy.  How much of GB's amazing work have you guys slurped up over the years, without them ever asking for a dime?  How many QLs, how many episodes of ER and TANG, how many fucking AWESOME BOMBCASTS have we all been given?  Now's the chance to give back and say that you appreciate their hard work.  To the Whiskey guys: I'm sorry you have to put up with all this bullshit. "

Couldn't agree more. Some shit just deserves to be supported and this is one of them. I fucking love Giant Bomb and am definitely warming up to Whiskey Media as a whole. Keep up the great work! 
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Edited By BRNK
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Edited By hilld1985
@Wuddel said:
" @PokySharpy said: 

@BRNK said: 

" I think I'll jump in...maybe having money riding on this site would nudge me out of lurker status and into the seedy, neon light of the Giant Bomb community. I'm not surprised there's so much negative backlash because this is the internet, but weren't some of you naysayers wondering how in the hell this site was making money and hence curious about the viability of the site? Intermittent ads don't pay for a whole team. "

Hehe, this is my first post, my subscription is also nudging me out of lurker status. =)  Seriously, all the negativity around here is crazy.  How much of GB's amazing work have you guys slurped up over the years, without them ever asking for a dime?  How many QLs, how many episodes of ER and TANG, how many fucking AWESOME BOMBCASTS have we all been given?  Now's the chance to give back and say that you appreciate their hard work.  To the Whiskey guys: I'm sorry you have to put up with all this bullshit. "  

  • I'd love to see a yearly t-shirt. I am cool with the $10 extra.
  • I would prefer GB-specific stuff on that t-shirt. Not general WM-stuff.
  • On second thought, why don't you sell (more) t-shirts? I mean that is the business model of those 1-man web comics like It seems to work for them, an the shirts are cool.
  • Let the yearly subscribers just select one for free. Maybe add an exclusive choice.
  • Support paypal. You are probably not aware of that, but much of continental europe despises credit cards (which are used like debit cards here anyway).
  • Calendars of real chicks?
Both of these posts are amazing.
I'm so angry at those people that feel the need to bitch about this subscription model. Giantbomb have given literally days of entertainment to me in the last couple of years. I can be assured that if I'm bored, there'll be something on this site that'll entertain men.
The fact that people have been using this site for years, that now feel betrayed because Whiskey have the audacity to want to make some money from this place astounds me.
Get some perspective, guys.
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Edited By Kregan

Seriously, stop being cheap people.  Giantbomb has given you tons, and I mean TONS, of content over the past few years and never asked for a dime.
I understand that not everyone can pay 4.99$ or 50$ a year for a site, but really, if you have a job, there's no excuse. How much money do you waste on that latte or coke everyday? 4.99$ a month comes down to almost 20 cents a day, and the yearly membership around to 15 cents a day.
That coffee will go down the toilet at the end of the day. The entertainment provided here will be there for you when you leave the toilet.

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@Ahmad_Metallic said:
" @CL60 said:
" "What am I going to lose if I don't buy any of this? 
 Sorry, you must be thinking about someone else. We're in the not pissing off the Internet business. The site as you see it right now will remain largely unchanged.  "  
 " What definitely won't be in the plan?  
  • Any sort of in-your-face hard sell. I've got the feeling most of you just want to support us and could care less about the features. That's great, we'll respect you back in the same way with not trying to do anything stupid when it comes to convincing you to make that decision." 
hehe "
this is comedy gold!
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Edited By Bumbuliuz

I had no issue giving these great guys my cash for the yearly sub, anyone else not so much. Also getting a T-Shirt is a plus :) . It will be fun to see how being a member will work out and the benefits of it.
 I'm curious to try out the mobile site, but I cant seem to find the link to it? Also where do I usually go to see the weekly show?

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Edited By KaosAngel
@SpaceIndaver: Yes. 
EDIT:  In HD too.  They said they have a RSS feed up for the HD stream but for some reason I can't find it and do it on iTunes.  >.>
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Edited By shadyspace
@SpaceIndaver: Yep. In HD too.
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Edited By Castiel
@SpaceIndaver: Yes you can and in HD too.   
Ain't that right folks?