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1 vs 100 is awesome

I never played much trivia in my life, ever. I'll tell you why, it is because my knowledge in general knowledge in non-existent. But damn I've been having the grandest of time with it, really I've never had so much fun at pointless question answering. 
The only problem I have with it is the "In The News" segment, which I have just played. The news they get isn't exactly what I would call "news". It is more appropriate to be called the "It's not news it's CNN". The questions were more of the gossip variety, with a couple of actual news based questions. I swear, if I get one more damn gossip bullshit question, I won't bother going back. For the simple reason that gossip isn't news and I don't know shit about gossip. Luckily the last question was based on politics, which I got right (As I got every other politically based question). If there is just a politics based segment, I'll be there every week, and tell me if there is one. 
If anyone wishes to join me in basic trivia, contact me, I've gotten so lonely. THERE'S NOTHING LEFT IN MY LIFE... 
Signing off folks. Until next time, 'till next time.