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Ah sleep, my far more glorious dawn (General update)

For the past few months, I've lacked the ability to sleep, I mean it. I could not sleep for more than 5 hours. Luckily, I'm back in action, with my sleeps backing me up, I'm ready to kick some ass again! Huzzah! 
Our agenda consists of three things. 
1) I'm pursuing media studies then going off into journalism, thanks for the support you guys! 
I have been getting a portfolio ready for a while, but now I'm totally venturing towards that path. Get ready everyone, Snipzor is coming for you! If you want to blame someone, blame the support I got from the three responders. Only them, it isn't my fault. I was unsure of it anyways. 
2) A simple question gang. Why is it that sex and sexuality (in general) is so conversation worthy despite my own lack of experience of knowledge on the subject? I expect an answer from each of you, on my desk. 
3) Finally, for the last bit on the agenda. Monday will be a special day. Carl Sagan's birthday, he would be 75. Rest in Peace Mr Sagan, if it weren't for you, millions around the world would know nothing of how cool science is. 

That is all for today. I've got to finish my MacroEc. homework. Wish me luck.