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Are games getting more lame? (Article to prove it, and others)

 Being a gamepolitics/d-toid story troll, I often come across many great articles/stories/fun facts. Now this blog is essentially a summary of things that I read or have seen a few times in the last months. Now in case you are wonder, the headline I came up with was a play on the modern day coloquialisms for gay, although I didn't need to say that if I had bothered to showcase the multiple stories. 
1) Thinkb4youspeak ads piss off gamers who didn't get it : Naturally I shouldn't be shocked if gamers didn't get it. I mean, they challenged their honour with a stereotype that is completely false and/or illogical (Although it got me perfectly). But what people did not get was that it was the point, it wasn't meant to be in anyway close to the truth, or stereotype. Now I loved the response, but I also hated it because it showed exactly how kneejerk reactions can be found in the gaming culture after a long series of honour challenges since the Mortal Kombat debacle. Gamers have seemed to deem every criticism of the gaming culture as a negative attack, even though some are critical and often times 100% true (Unless they are from Fox News/Jack Thompson). The ad basically focussed on the use of gay as a pejorative, as well as faggot and queer, and the response was a counter-attack. Two things I want to note, I thought the ads were brilliant. But most importantly, if you want the image of gamers to detereorate, don't bother, gamers will do it themselves (unfortunately). 
And here is the response from Penny-Arcade which pretty much sums it all up. 
2) Bioware follows the will of George Lucas to ensure there are no gay people in their game : This makes no sense at all, look at every game Bioware makes, does this seems to go against what your company is known for? Of course it does, so why bother?  Well luckily for everyone who knows what Bioware is like, the issue was resolved in a timely and calm manner... just kidding. Everyone lost their shit and threads about it were locked. Okay, it was issued, and an apology was received. Problem solved. 
3) Shadow Complex : Moving along, we've gone through this enough times to know what the problem was.
4) Are Games Getting Gayer? : Now I have my own thoughts about this, and they go on for a while. Now you can either read the article or read the paragraph below that sums up my thoughts on it. Or you can skip this entire part, which begs me to ask this simple question. Why did you read this blog? 
Anyways, my thoughts are simple. I don't think games are getting gayer in anyway. Although I would understand why people might possibly think that. The way I see it is that the hyper-masculine characterization of people in games (Not just male characters) is actually reversing. This kind of thing is not as prevalent (Ahem, not counting any/every game from Epic Games) anymore, and options are coming up, and we both know (Between you an me) what I mean by "options". Do I think games should include more gay characters/subplots just for the hell of it being that way? No, that doesn't fix anything. But do I think the option should be there? Absolutely, but again, that's just me. I among a bunch of other people want as many partners as possible in the Fable games, and I want to be as unfaithful to my liking. That's essentially my opionion on the issue. 
As well as my entire entry, this has been Snipzor asking you to give me your PS3, seriously guys I want to play MGS4.