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I'm going to keep this very short because I'm not in the mood to writing a two page blog again after my computer crashed as soon as I finished it. So I'll keep this short and sweet. 
The republicans are losing their shit again and it is now with the "Safe School Czar" (Look for the name on the list I provided) Kevin Jennings. In fact, I predicted this. Now there are two reasons why they are going after them. He is part of Obama's administration, but also because he essentially told republicans to "Fuck off". So what do they respond with? They call him a supporter of pedophilia and rape. I won't even bother to put citations because you can find a bazilion clips on Youtube, of the Hyper-conservatives and Fark Independents being classless as usual. All of this because he essentially promoted the use of condom/safe sex (Not that the republicans know what that is, context was deleted with the crash) to a 16 year old student of the school he worked at. Fun fact, 16 is the age of consent where he was at. What do the republicans do to counter this factual point? They say he was fifteen, despite how he was sixteen, they are blatantly lying so they can call a gay member of Obama's administration a supporter of rape and pedophilia. Oh yeah, and he's also going to promote homosexuality to kids. 
Well you know what, fuck you, that's what I think. I'm fucking tired of this bullshit, and it is driving me mad. Give me a second to air out. 
*Goes to republican governor in Maine*    

I feel much better already. Oh yeah, that clip is in celebration of Charlie Brooker's new programing "Gameswipe" which I will only have good access to because of the Let's Player on Youtube by the name of "xthemusic" who hosts all of the episodes. Awesome. 

That's pretty much it really, I'm too repulsed by the fucking republican party to even be on coherent speaking terms with them. Blahbleihfisbnekwia to the republican party. Or you can email Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh to collectively fuck themselves with a loofah. That's all for today, Good Night. Have a good masturbate.


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Edited By Snipzor

I'm going to keep this very short because I'm not in the mood to writing a two page blog again after my computer crashed as soon as I finished it. So I'll keep this short and sweet. 
The republicans are losing their shit again and it is now with the "Safe School Czar" (Look for the name on the list I provided) Kevin Jennings. In fact, I predicted this. Now there are two reasons why they are going after them. He is part of Obama's administration, but also because he essentially told republicans to "Fuck off". So what do they respond with? They call him a supporter of pedophilia and rape. I won't even bother to put citations because you can find a bazilion clips on Youtube, of the Hyper-conservatives and Fark Independents being classless as usual. All of this because he essentially promoted the use of condom/safe sex (Not that the republicans know what that is, context was deleted with the crash) to a 16 year old student of the school he worked at. Fun fact, 16 is the age of consent where he was at. What do the republicans do to counter this factual point? They say he was fifteen, despite how he was sixteen, they are blatantly lying so they can call a gay member of Obama's administration a supporter of rape and pedophilia. Oh yeah, and he's also going to promote homosexuality to kids. 
Well you know what, fuck you, that's what I think. I'm fucking tired of this bullshit, and it is driving me mad. Give me a second to air out. 
*Goes to republican governor in Maine*    

I feel much better already. Oh yeah, that clip is in celebration of Charlie Brooker's new programing "Gameswipe" which I will only have good access to because of the Let's Player on Youtube by the name of "xthemusic" who hosts all of the episodes. Awesome. 

That's pretty much it really, I'm too repulsed by the fucking republican party to even be on coherent speaking terms with them. Blahbleihfisbnekwia to the republican party. Or you can email Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh to collectively fuck themselves with a loofah. That's all for today, Good Night. Have a good masturbate.
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Edited By Claude

If they fuck themselves with a loofah, they might get the dingleberries off their ass hairs. Ahhhh.

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Edited By Xandurson

I just want to make sure you don't hate me because technically I am more conservative than liberal. However, that doesn't mean I agree with what happened. So are we still cool?