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Fun times in Portland, Maine!

Portland! Oh, hello there, this is now day three (Two if you don't consider a night a day) in America. The first day was filled with travel, and only two meals. A pizza, and a delightful sandwich in Vermont (Not necessarily in that order). The music of choice in travel? The soundtrack of .hack, Starcraft, Diablo II, Braid, and the music of Frank Zappa. It took three hours to get from a Super 8 in Vermont, to an airport hotel in Portland. Damn the Clarion (I don't mean that). 
Today will be filled with a hippy pizza joint, and Henry & Marty's Restaurant which is about 30 minutes outside of Portland. The first real meals of the trip. 
Alas, we have yet to see a White Castle or Wendy's. How sad. And in my travels, I have temporarily gone by New Hampshire and I ask myself, who the hell came up with the slogan?! It scared me. Finally, I watched Fox News for the second time in my life. In this time of insanity it is nice to know that they keep up their own brand of it. When I return, political opinions of the going ons in the states I visited (Consciously visited). This has been Snipzor, requesting you to live free or pay the admen fee which tiny whereas the MASSIVE YAUGHT is worth thousands. Good night.


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Edited By Snipzor
Portland! Oh, hello there, this is now day three (Two if you don't consider a night a day) in America. The first day was filled with travel, and only two meals. A pizza, and a delightful sandwich in Vermont (Not necessarily in that order). The music of choice in travel? The soundtrack of .hack, Starcraft, Diablo II, Braid, and the music of Frank Zappa. It took three hours to get from a Super 8 in Vermont, to an airport hotel in Portland. Damn the Clarion (I don't mean that). 
Today will be filled with a hippy pizza joint, and Henry & Marty's Restaurant which is about 30 minutes outside of Portland. The first real meals of the trip. 
Alas, we have yet to see a White Castle or Wendy's. How sad. And in my travels, I have temporarily gone by New Hampshire and I ask myself, who the hell came up with the slogan?! It scared me. Finally, I watched Fox News for the second time in my life. In this time of insanity it is nice to know that they keep up their own brand of it. When I return, political opinions of the going ons in the states I visited (Consciously visited). This has been Snipzor, requesting you to live free or pay the admen fee which tiny whereas the MASSIVE YAUGHT is worth thousands. Good night.
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Edited By timay

We do have wendy's up here but no white castles.  There is one out by the mall which is about 5mins from the airport.

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Edited By Xandurson

You should've seen a Wendy's instantly because they are literally everywhere lol. White Castle sucks though imo. If you want good fast food eats go to Arby's though. But Wendy's is awesome as well.

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Edited By Claude

I watch Fox news. It can be quite entertaining sometimes, but sometimes I just get angry and turn the channel.

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Edited By ahoodedfigure
I think White Castle is more of an East Coast, possibly California thing, so you're not in danger.  
@GamerGeek360: A lot of people don't like Arby's, but I think the sandwiches have good texture.  Maybe they don't like how the roast just sort of sits there in the open, but whatever.  It's already cooked.