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Gaming Update, yeah I had no clue I did those either

It's nearly the end of week one in October (Week 1 for me anyways), and like I probably shouldn't because of a series of works I should probably complete for today for class, but I've got a pretty big update for gaming in general. So here we go, I'm quite new at this. 


Yeah I'm not proud of that one. Anyways. It has been quite a busy month and a bit in terms of buying games. I've got four Xbox 360 games in just one month, and that's a new record. Fair enough though, two of them are older games that cost just a few dollars, but still they are good games to have. 
  • Dead Space
  • GRAW 1/2
  • Red Alert
  • Indigo Prophecy
Yeah I know Indigo Prophecy is an Xbox game, but there was only one way that I could purchase it. Anyways, each of these games are great, and for the first time I don't doubt purchasing a game. Sorry Scribblenauts, but you've lost the appeal quite quickly, that I often find myself return to playing a tower defense game on my Ipod Touch, and Wolfenstein, also on the same Ipod. 

Semi review time (It's like a regular review, except in one paragraph)

As great as the idea is, I mean seriously, giving the user the ability to spawn everything and anything. There is one huge problem, people like me. I don't know about you, but when I have free reign to do whatever I want, I don't know what to do. I love sandbox games, but in the end I always just call up my buddies and we end up killing cops then play GTAIV (Wait, was that order right?). If you ask me to solve a puzzle with any means possible, I'll do one thing over and over again. You guessed it, spawn God and a shotgun. If not, a jetpack and some rope.The point is, some people are incredibly indecisive, and cannot handle using their own imagination because chances are we have a bazillion ideas in our head and we don't know what to pick. In fact, to play Scribblenauts hurts. 
This brings me to another point, stop bashing on linearity, it is a stupid complaint. In reality, if given the opportunity, you would shit your pants if given a real open world. You would become bored of the same thing over and over again. Its nice to have boundaries, nice for me anyways. 
This has been a short gaming update, and this is Snipzor signing off... well actually I stay online but that's besides the point.