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Next year, next year (Read quickly as this is a speedy rant)

Okay so I missed PAX (again) and for a good reason. I cannot plan for shit and plans generally get scrapped because of people who are considerate with their plans (thanks a lot people). Now I'm the type of person who would attend a convention or expo for the panels, and this year was a host of amazing panels (Mainly because two great websites other than this one had panels, three when you count my loyalty to Giantbomb dot com) and I couldn't give two general colonel mustards about the news (ever). Seriously, I don't even know the anouncements regardless of reading AgentJ's updates, very quickly and without attention whily playing the first chapter of Ikaruga (Never again, that shit is hard to dodge). Well for next year's PAX, fuck college, I'm heading over to wherever it is so I can totally have a good time with other Giantbombers. 
See you next time, this has been Snipzor reminding you to turn on the flux capacitor in the basement of the building in 21/04/13. He'll know what it means. Good day.