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This week.5 in politics, we are a doomed species

Nothing happened, well nothing different. I've started to come down with a case of the OUTRAGE and that would explain why I'm a little bit testy. In fact most news outlets became to story revolving around an NBC poll that required people to read the bill to actually answer the survey after telling the surveyor what they thought prior to reading the bill. Support jumped at least 30% and that has come to the conclusion of two things (One of which I know). One being that people are idiots, and two being the American media and how they suck at what they do. 
Second news outlet conclusion is about Reason, the free market/right-wing libertarian website, that is out of their mind. First was their unwavering support of corporate interest despite being "independent" and all that crap, and second being their constant contradictions of common sense when talking about the health reform bill (Like the obvious one that "Government control is socialist", which is pretty obvious why it is killing our common sense. 
So for the last week.5, we've had the American News outlet just imploding, and it is a sight to be seen. For even the "liberal" news stations can't even get their shit together. We live in a depressing age when The Daily Show is better news than any of the major news outlets. Or PBS's 1 hour of news is much better than every news station put together. Or that news outlets have to get their facts from "non-partisan fact checking websites" (I prefer the parmesan over the partisan) instead of... oh I don't know... journalists! 
I might as well admit, I've been lazy this week.5, let's just say I was busy... with certain obligations *coughshadowcomplexcough* and *cough* being a lazy prick... hmm, I didn't cough the second time, how strange. Anywho, blame the let's play's I've watched, and the splitting anger I've got. 
Also, Podcasts. I'm quite happy that has restarted their podcasts. They are quite good, and I can't forget about you Giantbomb, and GameHeroes. Sorry Destructoid, but you've been dropped.