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Update: ClimateGate officially not a gate/Other stuff

No shit 
I'm essentially using this time to update real things that need updating. Things that are going on with my life, which may or may not exist according to your understanding of how the internet works, and things that are just happening like this:
-1) Electric Light Orchestra is awesome. Therefore the belief that the 1960's-1980's were the best time for music, and making any and every "Top 10 songs of the decade" that had been made this year, completely redundant because none of it can achieve the greatness that is the 1970's progressive rock movement. Sorry davisfleetwood, the newly created list you've made is both completely redundant, and filled with bad music. Yeah yeah, personal opinion and all that garbage. 
-2) Love and romance are the two worst human trends of all time. Yes, the saga of insanity and angst continues as I spiral downward into a hellish state of mind in which I am nothing but an angry, self-loathing, isolated... oh wait, I'm already past that point. Well, the state of mind that I had with me in high school. Which frankly, wasn't exactly the easiest thing to describe. Each day that goes by honestly becomes worse than the last, and for something that probably would end up in failure anyways. But upon further review, the feelings I have are great, even though it might get me to an emotional status I don't want to be in.
-3) Ikaruga is still a total bitch to play, but is still completely awesome at the same time. AgentJ will fill you in on the details, or not. I'll just say that the third level is still incredibly difficult to get past. Damn, the second level is incredibly hard to get past.
  -4) Climate Change Science just got a hell lot cooler. I cannot stress this enough, watch his videos to gain some knowledge. God knows boring ass science videos will only make you fall asleep in a matter of seconds. Unless Carl Sagan made the video, then you would have it in your bookshelf ready for repeat viewing. It's as good as a book.  
-5) Finished the GTA IV saga, and I do quite enjoy how they tie things up perfectly. For the record, I like Luis but I don't like the amount of sex he had in the game. He clearly has some priority issues, I mean what person would get a blowjob when fully aware that it would lead him into a situation that would get him killed? Luis that's who... then again considering all men look at porn, I would bet that all men would probably gladly get a blowjob and forget about the possibilities of dying in the process. Some people are far too obsessed with carnal pleasures. I must be ignorant.
-6) Suicrat has removed himself from posting for the time being, I'll miss him. I miss BoG as well. I'm far too sentimental for people I don't even know, so perhaps I should tone it down a bit.
That's about all I can think of. This has been Snipzor, going to sleep. Perhaps the writing process would have been much better if I haven't fallen asleep at the keyboard three times. Goodnight.