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Going back...

Ah, humble beginnings. Me joining the ranks of Giant Bomb starts one chapter of my life concurrently with the recursion of another. In laymen's terms, this means I'm going back to a career I quit some time ago. The great thing about it is that it is in the industry many of you want to be in, and everyone here loves; gaming! Specifically, I am going to be a Production Coordinator (read: Junior Producer) for a little indie studio in Carlsbad, CA.

The move is very exciting, but at the same time I am experiencing a apprehensiveness of sorts. Recursion is a bad thing, right? While I feel as if I am making progress, I am also chasing my tail. Maybe with enough time, enthusiasm, dumb luck, and the ability to warp time and space, I'll catch it. Then again, what does a dog do once he gets his tail? Chews it, gets bored, stops, forgets, then chases it again. Its a recursion within a recursion!

I'm sure not even Dicaprio can save me from that one.


A whole hearted welcome to Giant Bomb!

You can thanks for linking me here. I have been searching for a long time for a "better" gaming website, and Giant Bomb seems to be the perfect fit.

What is a first post if it doesn't include some sort of introduction? My history of exposure to gaming media starts with Electronic Gaming Monthly (a.k.a. EGM) and ends, as of now, here. There is a long line between those two spots, but if I reveal anything now, I surely will have nothing to write about later.

Who am I kidding? This blog post is just an attempt to get that sweet, sweet achievement. Giant Bomb, you have found the secret to addiction. Here, Jesse Schell, explains exactly what I am talking about.