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Xbox One Talk..

Hey everyone,

So I wanted to stop on here and talk a bit about the Xbox One. So it was announced yesterday, the console and conference went exactly the way I'd have expected it to. What surprised me was the reactions that it got afterwards.

So let's boil this down to basics... What they did yesterday was a lot of the numbers talk which they do at any E3 press conference and introduced the console as well as some new features with the console. A lot of people are aggrevated that they spent so much time harping over features that gamers don't care about instead of talking about the games. While yes I understand your frustration at the same time that's just less that they will have to do come the E3 Press Conference. Will there be mentions of these features again? I have no doubt but it won't take up a half hour.

Sony on the other hand showed a few games, some nice in-game gameplay but didn't show anything other than the share feature on their new system. Basically at the end of the day Microsoft and Sony did complete opposite reveals. Sony made a focus on games and Microsoft focused on the system and it's new features. It's too early to tell.... really anything about either system, they both had small press events to prelude the big E3 Press Conference. Sony will have to strattle showing the console, showing more games, talk about the new features and talk about the Vita, where as Microsoft can just go straight to the games.

Next thing people weren't impressed about was the inclusion of a Kinect camera. I'm a bit confused as to why because Sony is doing the exact same thing.. What do you think the light on top of the controller is for? They will also force Move down our throats. As much as I hate both of them at the end of the day... Thanks to Nintendo, this is just something we're going to have to deal with.

Major thing I want to talk about is used game sales.. Now a lot has been said and giving it some thought I think I've figured out why Microsoft is saying that their are fees and also saying that they intend to allow trade ins and the sale of used games... Hear me out.

So the Xbox One has decided to go the route of forcing installs, which to be honest isn't all that much differant to what the Playstation 3 currently does. I think it's because of the slow reading speed of Blu Ray drives, with full game installs they don't have to worry about the reading rate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Playstation 4 opts for a route like the Xbox One forcing installs. The issue with installing games becomes how do you make sure that one person doesn't distribute the game to everyone. I think what they're going to tie a licence to your active Xbox Live profile and allow you to deactivate it. I think what they'll do is ship something to Gamestop or to used game retaillers to allow them to check if the licence has been tied to an account. It fits with all the things they said and limits the fee to people who have not paid a penny for the game.

In closing I think Microsoft did exactly what I expected they were going to do. I don't know what people were expecting and why such a negative reaction at the end of the day folks as gamers you want this system to play games... Guess what... The Xbox One will play all the games you want to play.

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you were expecting from the Xbox One reveal.

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