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A defense of Capcom's gross buisness practices

So one of the most maligned decisions of 2011 was to put out umvc3 a mere 9 months after it's vanilla counterpart. Which is a fast turnaround even by capcom standards. Myself personally I have spent over 120 dollars on the mvc3 brand, since I bought the vanilla, the guide, and then umvc3 oh and the dlc characters. And have every intention in the world of buying umvc3 for vita. But as shitty as spending 160 dollars on one game sounds in mine and many others opinions capcom delivered with umvc3. It is a categorically Superior game. And a lot of the reasons why are from lessons learned from vanilla. And while it sucks that I had to buy the same game twice effectively I'm likely going to play umvc3 for the next ten years, or whenever it is a new marvel comes out.

And if it had to take that much money to get one of my favorite games ever then so be it. It's not really any different from an mmo bilking money out of you monthly. Or if I just dropped two hundred on steel battalion. The only difference is I'm doing it in a few lump fees, that are now over. Is it ideal? No, of course not it totally sucks. And sfxt looks to be trying to eliminate this kind of thing. BUT as much as the business practice is gross it has yielded two of my favorite games ever sf4 and umvc3. That isn't to say they couldn't have been made another way, but if it took this much to get them done at all, whatever.

Also if you are one of the many people who seemingly purchased vanilla marvel didn't play it much with the intention of going back only to find now they have an outdated game. I feel for you that is a real bummer. But if you didn't sink enough time into a game 9 months after buying I don't feel like you have a lot of cause to be mad. Especially considering that is just always how fighting games are by there nature they change all the time.


Order in the court

So my job allows me to do a lot of nothing, and that often takes the form of playing games. And I left all my psp games at my house, so I have to make due with phone games and the paltry sum of DS/3DS games I have. And while tekken looks awesome, I can't spare that forty bucks. So I'm digging deep into my back catalog and I'm finally finishing the second phoenix wright game. I actually bought this game the day it came out over here, but wasn't as captivated by it as I was the first game. And got mid way through the third case before deciding I wasn't enjoying myself in the least.

But I have the need to beat games, and a friend (who cannot be trusted) told me the last case is amazing. So far I'm not dazzled though, it seems like a pretty typical phoenix wright case. But It's still early and has time to get crazy. That third case is probably pound for pound the worst case I've come across in these games. It's really tedious even by phoenix wright standards, and the case is so painfully obvious I figured it out as soon as they show you the murder weapon. But it still makes you follow it's bizarre train of logic it wants you to follow.

And I'm getting knee deep in the last case. And I've pretty much abandoned playing this game without a faq. Not because I'm lazy, but because the game often gives you no hints what so ever as to what to do or where to go next. And I simply do not have the time to play pixel hunt/present item hunts all day. A lot of the scripting for events feel like they fell out of snes game in that you have to meet a bunch of arbitrary conditions and once you do the story may progress even if the game wont alert you to this fact. This was unacceptable back when these games debuted on the GBA and hasn't gotten better with age. And while they are still impressive taken as GBA games they look and feel dated. How many times can you see the same characters go through the same few animation routines?

I'm going to beat this game, but I guess what I'm asking is are three and four worth playing? I own four already, but not three or the edgeworth game. I like the series in concept but am pretty underwhelmed with the second entry. Are the ones I don't have worth getting and playing or should I just wait and keep my fingers crossed for phoenix wright vs. Professor Layton? I honestly just wish they would take this to consoles already; enough static backgrounds with looping sprites in the foreground. Come on Capcom L.A noir this game up.


sfxt looks bawler

So I'm super hype for sfxt, and mass effect 3. Why do these mother fuckers have to come out on the same day? I can't be dropping 130 on none sense, but christ do I want to.