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Persona 4

It's rad.   
It's rad.   
I swear this game must be a complete ballache if you play it on the harder difficulty, even on normal it's a pretty damn challenging. I went with normal as I am fairly new to JRPGs, played mostly western ones!
At the moment I'm on a boss fight that has multiple phases to it, it took me like 10 minutes for each attempt and I still ended up getting owned right when I was close to finishing the thing off. I ended up running out of SP (mana) and didn't have enough potions/items to restore it, due to this I basically had no chance even though I was really close to getting the kill. I couldn't do any magic attacks, heal, debuff the enemy of buff myself or my party. It sucked, I was so close too! 
That said I do enjoy the challenge. It really is an awesome game, the characters and story stand out to me the most but the battle system is also a lot of fun. 
It actually reminds me of Pokemon, just think of the Personas as Pokemon and you can see the comparison. Different Personas are weak to certain elements (like electricity, fire, water) so in that sense it is also similar to Pokemon. 
Would recommend it to anybody though, if you own a PS2 or a BC-PS3 it's totally worth picking up.