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RE: iPhone gaming and the DS

So I spotted a link about something Fils-Aime said regarding the iPhone and iPad as contenders in the handheld market.  In essence, he said 'Yeah right'.  But there was any number of iTards who insisted Nintendo was in imminent danger of sinking beneath the waves, for the following reasons:  Convergent devices will soon be the only thing people will carry around - no one wants to carry a gaming system, a phone, and an MP3 player.  Everyone wants games they can play for only minutes at a time, because no one has the time to play for hours.  DS games cost $50 (it's actually $30, but I didn't bother to correct that) as opposed to the App Store's usual $1 to $5.  The touchscreen is the best control scheme EVAR (blatantly false, but this was debunked by others before I posted).  My reply was thus:
 I read most of the comments here and I just shake my head.  A majority of you seem to think the target audience for the DS is YOU.  You couldn't be more wrong.  The target audience is people who have time to sit and play a game for an hour.  The quick pick-up-and-put-down games exist because there's a market for them, but there are a lot more games for the DS that require some time investment (see: Pokémon).  And I hate to break it to you, but My Pretty Pony sells.

Let me ask you this:  Would you buy an eight-year-old an iPhone just so they'll sit quietly in the car?  Heck no, you'd get them a DS for less than half the cost!  And it will keep them occupied just as effectively as an iPhone, without having to worry about them calling someone in Egypt or getting hit on by 50-year-old creeps on the internet.  Sometimes less features are a good thing.

As for games costing $30?  That's only when they're new.  You can buy them second-hand for $10 if you know where to shop, sometimes less.  And you can trade games with your friends.  I'd like to see you do -that- with an iPhone.  Not only is it impossible to buy 'used' games, anything sold on the App Store will likely remain at its current price point for eternity no matter how old it is.

I can hear you caterwauling "But games for the iPhone only cost $5!"  Are these games actually capable of keeping your attention for hours?  Not usually.  These are gimmick games, quick puzzle games, the sort that aren't designed to be able to soak up lots of time (again, see: pokémon).  But guess what?  You're the target audience for games on the App Store!  You don't have the time to burn evolving your Squirtle into Blastoise, you'd rather play Lights Out.  Good for you.  Stop trying to tell me my DS Lite is a dead system though, because it is far from the truth.  It's always in my coat pocket, ready to dish up some solid gaming.
Sometimes I have to wonder what these people are smoking, honestly.  It's like they refuse to acknowledge that everyone in the world isn't just like them.  Mind you, I have nothing against the iPhone and it certainly has some clever and well-made games, but personally, when I get a smartphone (and I probably will) it will be one that runs Android.  I likes me some open platforms and I don't want to have to hack my phone just so I can run open-source software.