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#1  Edited By SpoonyLuvrrr

I agree with everything you wrote about this game. However it seems that like so many people who play the game and write about it there is always a piece of the story missing. So many of the luke warm to terrable reviews of Wet include the phrase "it seemed rushed". From what I've read, far to late to keep me from me wasting my time renting and playing Wet, the game was far from rushed. In fact the developers apparently took an unusually long amunt of time to produce what little they did. They also had plenty of free time to ponder what was going right and very wrong with all involved with the game when Activision axed the whole project because it did not meet their standards and obviously would not produce enough sales to create demand for a sequel. Bethesda Softworks then acquired the rights to the game and tried to turn Activision's trash into their treasure. Obviously they just let what was left of the game's development team hack together something they could release out of the the broken bits of the game that they had on hand. Wet was not rushed in any way. It is just absolutely sloppy and  "finished" just enough to make it barley playable with very loose quality control.