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My thoughs so far - 30 mins in.

Just Started Playing Alpha Protocol only about 30 mins in so far but its looks like it will be a realy good game, seems to be on par with mass effect 2 so far. A few minor gripes so far tho (should be easitly fix able) Sensitivity - the game wasnt sensitive enough when just walking around so i jacked it up but when in combat aiming becomes a knightmare because its too sensitive there dosent seem to be any middle ground. the mouse controled part of the hacking minigame are just so finiky if i could just use the keyboard for both parts it would be som much easyer. There the only major problems i have so far well see what more time with the game brings.



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Edited By SrgOwnage

Just Started Playing Alpha Protocol only about 30 mins in so far but its looks like it will be a realy good game, seems to be on par with mass effect 2 so far. A few minor gripes so far tho (should be easitly fix able) Sensitivity - the game wasnt sensitive enough when just walking around so i jacked it up but when in combat aiming becomes a knightmare because its too sensitive there dosent seem to be any middle ground. the mouse controled part of the hacking minigame are just so finiky if i could just use the keyboard for both parts it would be som much easyer. There the only major problems i have so far well see what more time with the game brings.

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Edited By mikbal

go with stealth skills. Game is much better when you sneak.
Also dialog system is good, it gives a sense of emergency and mystery to it.

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Edited By raidingkvatch
@SrgOwnage:  I'm a little more than an hour in and could probably list some more problem, certainly don't think the games on par with ME2, but still seems like it will be fun and worthwhile and spys are fucking cool bro. I'd probably add that the cover system can be anything little inconsistent (I haven't run into anything too major, just little niggles) and that the game really doesn't look great, the dialogue is possibly a little stiffer than BioWare's stuff, but it's still perfectly fine. Good to see Obsidian getting something out that will hopefully allow them to some more original IP stuff rather than being the so called "sloppy-seconds" developer.
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Edited By Rhaknar
@SrgOwnage said:

" Just Started Playing Alpha Protocol only about 30 mins in so far but its looks like it will be a realy good game, seems to be on par with mass effect 2 so far. A few minor gripes so far tho (should be easitly fix able) Sensitivity - the game wasnt sensitive enough when just walking around so i jacked it up but when in combat aiming becomes a knightmare because its too sensitive there dosent seem to be any middle ground. the mouse controled part of the hacking minigame are just so finiky if i could just use the keyboard for both parts it would be som much easyer. There the only major problems i have so far well see what more time with the game brings. "

no offense, especially because i actually STILL want the game even with all the glaring problems (that you can see from videos, reviews and even the quicklook), but this game does not look at all on par with ME2. I'm glad you enjoy it, but...yeah.... Then again, this just goes back to my pet peeve of people saying "i like this game, therefore its amazing". Sometimes I feel like Im the only person that can say "i like this game even tho its shit"
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Edited By FirePrince

I would not compare it to ME2,but yes,the game is pretty cool.I love acting like a smartass (like in real life) in serious situations and professional in not-so-serious times(like in real life). 
The results are really pleasing me,they act like actual people,more so than Mass Effect's characters.
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Edited By myslead

it's nothing like ME2 
I loved pretty much all aspect of ME2 
and I like Alpha Protocol, but not in it's entirety... there's so many flaws in the game, especially in the gameplay itself.

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Edited By SrgOwnage

Ok maybe now ive played a little further its not on par with mass effect 2 but what i ment was that it felt a lot like it. Same kinda dialog system, Space Bar does pretty much everything, hacking minigames and the such. Im kinda annoyed by the stealth now maybe its because i havent realy leveled up stealth much but being stealthy is so damn hard unless you play each mission like 10 times and remember enemy placement your gonna get seen A LOT so i gave up with stealth and resorted to the tactic of running full pelt at then enemy and CQCing him to death before an alarm was tripped supprisingly it works more that you would expect it would. Also i like the option at the start of the game to play as a "rookie" which starts you with no skills but extra dialog choices which is kinda cool,

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Edited By glitznglam_style

I'm enjoying it more than Mass Effect 2. It's much more of an RPG, which is exactly what I wanted. It doesn't have anywhere near the same level of polish, however.
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Edited By Lind_L_Taylor
@glitznglam_style said:
" I'm enjoying it more than Mass Effect 2. It's much more of an RPG, which is exactly what I wanted. It doesn't have anywhere near the same level of polish, however. "
How did you manage to get an early release of the game?  I ordered mine
on Amazon & it states it won't arrive til the 1st.  Although the plus is that I
got mine with gift credits.  Amazon also gives $10 to apply to another game
plus $5 in mp3 files.  So even the game turned out to be horrible I got a 
little ROI from my purchase.
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Edited By Red

Game looks really clunky from the Quick Look, but then again, I did love the first Mass Effect despite its clunkiness. Story and setting also looks interesting, and as Jeff said, it seems to have a much more Bourne Identity or Burn Notice vibe than other games, and hey--I really like the Bourne movies.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater
@Lind_L_Taylor: It released earlier in Europe. That's why some people already have the game. 
Personally, that quick look confirmed that I have no interest in AP. It just looks far too clunky, perhaps moreso than even Mass Effect 1, and I hated the jank in ME1. If people like it, more power to them. I don't think I could stand it.

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Edited By Lind_L_Taylor
@ArbitraryWater said:
" @Lind_L_Taylor: It released earlier in Europe. That's why some people already have the game. 
Personally, that quick look confirmed that I have no interest in AP. It just looks far too clunky, perhaps moreso than even Mass Effect 1, and I hated the jank in ME1. If people like it, more power to them. I don't think I could stand it. "
Right.  I've been thinking that AP is the RPG answer to a COD: Modern Warfare-type RPG,
maybe the closest thing one can get.  Further, if one looks at Modern RPGs, nobody has
done one as far back as I can remember, so it was probably a big risk for them to try this 
kind of game. 
I'm sure I'll be able to handle AP at least for one play through, which could take a really
long time.  Jank usually kills replay value.  I think I meet a saturation level on RPG games
after the second play through at any rate.
I hope the save system & difficulty system have reasonable settings if the game gets
frustrating.  I know sometimes I got very frustrated with Dragon Age combat...seemed
hard if not impossible in many places on normal combat.
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Edited By me3639

This game sounds just like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. when it was first released. I will wait for the modding community to fix all the developers faults.

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Edited By LeBart

This game actually does more than Mass Effect 2 on the RPG front, so it can appeal to those disapointed with how actiony ME2 was. However it's far from the level of polish and care that Bioware can reach. Alpha Protocol is an ambitious game with flawed core gameplay. 
Still a decent game though. Plus they don't really do games like that anymore.

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Edited By minotaka

I've only heard bad things, though i WAS kinda interested in at least havin' a mini razz on it..

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Edited By SrgOwnage

Alot of the problems with this game can probably fixed with a patch so now that people have got their hands on it and are giving feedback hopefuly the bugs will be fixed asap.

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Edited By joshs

Enjoying the RPG elements quite a bit. Being stealthy and breaking necks is extremely entertaining. :)