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This is one of the best games I've ever played (Xenoblade X)

I felt I really needed to get my thoughts down on this game, 'cause even after 60 hours, I can't stop playing it. I'm at 30% game completion, and that annoys me because I want there to be way more, despite me already, again, putting in sixty hours. I can't remember the last time in a game with a completion percentage that I've felt that way.

It does nearly everything I want out of RPGs. It has deep mechanics and stat systems (well, at least compared to most other RPGs we have today), really fun, tactical combat system, an absolutely huge amount of quests, all of them telling their own unique stories (unless they're " basic " missions) and sometimes even coming back in unexpected ways way down the line, a massive, detailed world, great story and characters. And oh my God Skells are probably some of the most fun I've had in a game in a long time, and that's before you even unlock the flight module which opens the world up so much more. The game's also gorgeous (aside from New LA imo) and almost never slows down which is a nice change of pace for open world games lately.

It's not without its faults, I think the map system is crap, the main quest is way too short and the cutscenes nowhere near up to par with the rest of this studio's games, the music is mostly awful and the game has some really bad sexualization, but even as someone who usually gets caught up on this kinda stuff and is annoyingly cynical about games in general, I still absolutely love this game. I don't even wanna accept main mission 12 because I don't want the main quest to end....but then even when it does, there's a ton more affinity and normal missions that unlock that expand the game and characters even further, new gear and Skells to buy and craft, etc.

It saddens me greatly that it will probably be totally ignored by most people aside from the "hardcore" JRPG crowd.



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It saddens me greatly that it will probably be totally ignored by most people aside from the "hardcore" JRPG crowd.

I can sympathize with that feeling, but I saw the Quick Look and this game looks like it has systems upon systems upon systems, all or most of which you need to both learn how to handle and grind out some kind of points for, plus the world just seems ridiculously huge and MMO-like. It seems like a hell of a lot to handle and I'm not really sure to what end, plus the combat and gameplay just don't seem like they justify all of those things. It looks like a lot of shallow systems piled on top of each other to make it seem complex and deep without actually being either of those things - I think Vinny asked about this in the Quick Look and Austin didn't have a pretty solid, straight answer.

None of this means that I'm not interested in giving the game a shot myself, just those are my impressions from everything I've absorbed about that game. Even if it's not what it looks like, I just don't think I have the time or patience to learn all I need to learn just to play this one game.

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The Xeno games have always been crazy dense with systems and just really long slow moving games.

XBC X looks totally awesome to me, but I think the sheer time investment to play it is a major turn off to most gamers today. Games like Skyrim are kind of the exception rather than the rule. Is what it is man.