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Halo Reach's Forge World


Halo has always been one of my favorite games/universes. Yeah its typical sci fi stuff, but i just dig it. Bungie has shown great consistency when making sequels and adding huge features and improvements to those sequels. Halo 1 did great multiplayer, Halo 2 brought that multiplayer online and set the standard for how to do matchmaking. Halo 3 introduced great new social features like saved films and map/game type sharing. Also introduced was the new map editor called Forge. Forge gave players the ability to make their own gametypes and maps to go along with it. Some of the things that came from Forge are truly amazing. Bungie new that once they released it to the public they would see some crazy and innovative stuff.

Forge World is the next evolution of the original Forge from Halo 3. It is based off the original Halo 1 map Blood Gulch. This world however lets you finally leave the canyon to explore and create in the biggest space Bungie has ever created. So they gave you a great new place to make maps, now all you need is the tools. Also added are a ton of new features and items to add to the map. You can also make things float and phase them into other solid objects. Floating could be done in the original Forge through some glitches and other tricks. This time a lot of the glitches found in the original Forge have now been added as actual features.

This to me is what puts Bungie above the developers of other first person shooters. They are always adding huge new features and have never had a sequel that was lacking new features. Look at the Modern Warfare series. They still don't have a saved films system or any type of map editor. Then again, not many people even play custom games on Modern Warfare. Either way you should definitely check out the Forge World video above the post.